Sunday, May 17, 2015

Child Seizure Update AK

Stanley Family Gets Custody Back of 4 Youngest Children – 3 Older Children Still in State Custody, Posted on May 15, 2015 Written by
A review hear­ing in Gar­land County Juve­nile Court in Arkansas yes­ter­day resulted in the case being closed for the four younger Stan­ley chil­dren. The par­ents now have full cus­tody back of these four chil­dren. The three older Stan­ley chil­dren, how­ever, remain in State cus­tody. They are allowed to live at home with 20 hours a week DHS super­vi­sion in the home. (Read the orig­i­nal story here.)
Marci Smith of the Arkansas Her­ald inter­viewed both the family’s attor­ney and the par­ents out­side the courthouse. The family’s attor­ney, Q. Byrum Hurst, Jr., stated that he was con­fi­dent that the entire case could be closed “within a rea­son­able period of time.”

Attor­ney Speaks out on State Coerced Edu­ca­tion and Coun­sel­ing as a Con­di­tion for Get­ting Chil­dren Back

To obtain cus­tody back of their four youngest chil­dren, the par­ents, Hal and Michelle Stan­ley, had to undergo exten­sive “train­ing” and “coun­sel­ing” by the State, and allow them to enter their home at will dur­ing that time. The State-mandated “train­ing” and “coun­sel­ing” was about par­ent­ing skills, in spite of the fact that the par­ents have been home­school­ing their chil­dren for many years.
When asked if he thought the inten­sive train­ing and coun­sel­ing require­ments imposed by the State was deserved and help­ful, Attor­ney Hurst replied: No, I don’t think it was deserved. It was done for the pur­poses of get­ting their chil­dren back. It is a shame that they had to do that.
Every­body can use edu­ca­tion, every­body can use sug­ges­tions on how to raise your chil­dren, but to have it forced on you, I don’t think it is beneficial.

Par­ents Dis­ap­pointed that State Con­trol over Fam­ily to Continue

Marci Smith inter­viewed the par­ents exit­ing the cour­t­house, and Hal Stan­ley, the father, expressed his dis­ap­point­ment that the State was to main­tain cus­tody of their 3 older children.
I am really dis­ap­pointed. I was expect­ing all the chil­dren to be returned to our cus­tody. There’s still no charges against us, there’s still no rea­son for the chil­dren to be in their cus­tody. We feel as par­ents we can make deci­sions (about our chil­dren) bet­ter than DHS can.
Michelle Stan­ley expressed her appre­ci­a­tion that at least the chil­dren were home, and they were able to spend Mother’s Day together. She posted pic­tures on the Bringth­es­tanleykid­shome Face­book Page.
Michelle issued her own per­sonal state­ment as well: Greet­ings to all our friends and loved ones, Today was our review hear­ing and as it turned out the judge ruled that we now have full cus­tody over our 4 youngest chil­dren. The older 3 chil­dren have not fin­ished their 60 day in home trial visit. They wanted to wait for the 60 day trial visit to end suc­cess­fully before giv­ing us cus­tody of the older 3. Their 60 days ends on June 15 or 16 but the court decided it would be will­ing to enter­tain an order to close the case before then should the two ther­a­pist that are see­ing our fam­ily rec­om­mend it. Until then all the ser­vices will con­tinue and another court review hear­ing is sched­uled for July 1st should our case still be open at that time. We are hop­ing it will end before then and that there will be no more court dates and the sooner ser­vices end the sooner we can get on with our lives.
On a more per­sonal basis we are happy all of our chil­dren are home and we are now in the process of prepar­ing for the new lit­tle one to arrive, the due date being May 30th. We are really stretched thin with all that is going on to keep things func­tion­ing but we accept the chal­lenge and are doing all we can to make things work and be ready for the baby when it comes. The Lord con­tin­ues to keep us and meet our needs on a daily basis and we don’t take for granted all the prayers that are being prayed for us. We give God the glory and pray for his will to be done in our lives.  Love, Michelle

Cit­i­zens in Arkansas are Enraged – Speak Out

Marci Smith inter­viewed Nancy Emmons from Arkansas who has been fol­low­ing the Stan­ley case.
The peo­ple of Arkansas, we really need to wake up and lis­ten to what has hap­pened to the Stan­leys. Never in our wildest dreams would we have fig­ured that some­body could come in the night and take your chil­dren away from you. I want you to know that this fam­ily is a won­der­ful fam­ily. They’re self suf­fi­cient, they home­school, they grow their own food, they are just really self-sufficient. This has been very stress­ful for the par­ents and the children. I want Arkansas to under­stand – every­one of you need to lis­ten: It could hap­pen to you.

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