Sunday, May 17, 2015

Carbon Capture Unnecessary Scam

Australian Prime Minister’s Top Advisor: Climate Change “About a New World Order Under the Control of the UN” Posted on May 15, 2015 Written by
This is the kind of quote that would have made big head­lines half a decade back or so…
Now, the peo­ple at the top are openly admit­ting in everyone’s face that the global warm­ing data has been fal­si­fied for years to bring about author­i­tar­ian, global con­trol and it barely catches people’s attention.
This is what they are doing to every­one through every­thing from pro­pa­ganda to man­dates, and it is work­ing.
Aus­tralian Prime Min­is­ter Tony Abbott’s top busi­ness advi­sor on Fri­day claimed cli­mate change was a ruse encour­aged by the United Nations to cre­ate a new author­i­tar­ian world order under its control.
Mau­rice New­man, chair­man of the Prime Minister’s Busi­ness Advi­sory Coun­cil, said the real agenda was “con­cen­trated polit­i­cal author­ity. Global warm­ing is the hook”.
In a col­umn for The Aus­tralian news­pa­per to coin­cide with a visit by UN cli­mate chief Chris­tiana Figueres, he added that the world had been “sub­jected to extrav­a­gance from cli­mate cat­a­strophists for close to 50 years”.
“It’s a well-kept secret, but 95 per­cent of the cli­mate mod­els we are told prove the link between human CO2 emis­sions and cat­a­strophic global warm­ing have been found, after nearly two decades of tem­per­a­ture sta­sis, to be in error,” he said, with­out pro­vid­ing evidence.
New­man, a for­mer chair­man of the Aus­tralian Broad­cast­ing Cor­po­ra­tion, is a known cli­mate change scep­tic but he went fur­ther by accus­ing the UN of being involved in a scam.
Gee. A scam that has been “encour­aged by the United Nations” to bring about “con­cen­trated polit­i­cal author­ity” that will help to cre­ate “a new author­i­tar­ian world order under its con­trol.” You don’t say.
He added that they will con­tinue to make this look like an organic, grass­roots move­ment of con­cerned politi­cians, sci­en­tists and cit­i­zens who believe in the man-made global warm­ing hoax, backed of course by pow­er­ful gov­ern­ment inter­ests includ­ing the White House. Oh, and “they will keep mobil­iz­ing pub­lic opin­ion using fear and appeals to morality.”
There you go. Doesn’t get more straight­for­ward than that.
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