Monday, May 18, 2015

Grassroots Alaska Kills Agenda 21

Posted on May 18, 2015 Written by Caroline Collins,
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Many res­i­dents were deeply con­cerned, but a coali­tion did not exist. Activism brought these peo­ple together, and all who con­tributed to the bill’s defeat are to be com­mended for defend­ing long-standing prop­erty rights. SI pro­vided assis­tance, but the indi­vid­u­als who devoted their time and resources to the cause car­ried the day for Kodiak.
Local activist Jamie Fagan wrote to us, describ­ing the process that turned the con­cerned res­i­dents into a force that the Bor­ough Coun­cil could not con­quer. It is a story of ambi­tion and per­sis­tence that inspired us to make the video that accom­pa­nies this press release. Here it is Jamie’s own words:
On or around Nov. of 2013, an aware­ness that had been build­ing in me for some time reached a crit­i­cal thresh­old where I knew I had to do some­thing! It hit me that I could no longer sit on the side­lines and watch as one crime after another after another was being com­mit­ted with impunity by “the Pow­ers That Be.” So, after hear­ing Dan inter­viewed on sev­eral talk radio shows, I decided to call him and ask for his help in start­ing up a local PANDA group in Kodiak (Peo­ple Against the NDAA). At around the same time, I read Rosa Koire’s book, “Agenda 21 Behind the Green Mask,” and invited Rosa Koire to come and give a pre­sen­ta­tion in Kodiak.
Some­time in mid-April of 2014, frus­trated and ready to throw in the towel due to lack of sup­port for our anti-NDAA res­o­lu­tion, I phoned Dan John­son for advice and encour­age­ment. He talked me into con­tin­u­ing, which I am very thank­ful for. Not too long after that phone call, it occurred to me that I could prob­a­bly drum up more sup­port by invit­ing Dan to Kodiak to give a pre­sen­ta­tion. Dan came to Kodiak for about a week in mid-May and gave three sep­a­rate pre­sen­ta­tions. (As a side note: On Dan’s sec­ond pre­sen­ta­tion at the local Amer­i­can Legion an extremely intox­i­cated man con­tin­u­ously yelled at Dan to “shut up punk.” Dan han­dled it very well.)
In mid-August, the PANDA res­o­lu­tion failed before the city coun­cil by a vote of 3 to 4.
On August 29th, Rosa Koire gave her pre­sen­ta­tion. Dan’s and Rosa’s pre­sen­ta­tions drew audi­ences, and I devel­oped an email list of over 150 local supporters.
After the PANDA fail­ure, our core group of six to eight peo­ple were momen­tar­ily at a loss for what we should do, since we had to wait for one year before we could present our anti-NDAA res­o­lu­tion again.
We weren’t at a loss for long. It came to our atten­tion in Octo­ber that many sec­tions of the pro­posed code revi­sion were absolutely hor­rific. I also learned that Rosa Koire knew our Com­mu­nity Devel­op­ment Direc­tor, Bob Ped­er­son, dur­ing his stint as CDD in Island County WA. She made no bones about how she felt about him. She feels he ought to be locked up for the hor­ri­ble things he did as CDD in Island County. Many oth­ers in Island County feel the same way.
Some of the other peo­ple who had been loosely fol­low­ing Kodiak PANDA, whom I did not know at the time, got in touch with me about the code revi­sion. Many peo­ple worked very hard read­ing and scru­ti­niz­ing the 340 pages of bureaucrat-speak. It turns out that many peo­ple had been fight­ing this code for a few years but they did not have the orga­ni­za­tion or num­bers to make much of a dif­fer­ence. Thanks to a lot of hard work, we were able to put together a list of the worst parts of the pro­posed code revi­sion and mail them out to all 5500 Kodiak addresses. Also, sev­eral peo­ple ran radio and news­pa­per ads point­ing out the worst of the code. Many oth­ers were hand­ing out fly­ers and col­lect­ing sig­na­tures on a peti­tion to defeat this code. The com­bi­na­tion of all of these things, plus the fact that many peo­ple in Kodiak has already been aware of the hor­rific nature of this new code, lit off an unbe­liev­able and unprece­dented firestorm of sup­port to defeat it. Peo­ple who have lived in Kodiak over 50 years and who are very polit­i­cally active say they have never seen any­thing like it!
Our group now has over 400 peo­ple who have signed on and to whom I reg­u­larly send emails. This is very excit­ing as that is about 3% of the pop­u­la­tion of our Island and prob­a­bly accounts for 20% or 30% of the vot­ing pop­u­la­tion, which is eas­ily enough to sway pretty much any elec­tion in Kodiak.
There were rumors after the Plan­ning and Zon­ing com­mit­tee unan­i­mously voted to kill the code revi­sion and that sev­eral mem­bers of the Bor­ough Assem­bly were going to try and res­ur­rect the code revi­sion, but I believe that was sim­ply hot air from Assem­bly mem­bers who wanted the new code to pass, and who, I can say with almost cer­tainty, will not sur­vive another election.
Solu­tions Insti­tute believes that any com­mu­nity can accom­plish what the res­i­dents of Kodiak did. We invite inquiries from activists need­ing help in get­ting a move­ment orga­nized, vis­i­ble, and triumphant.

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