Sunday, May 17, 2015

Quit the UN

Stop wasting taxpayer money on the UN
The United Nations has long been a hive of scandal and waste and that, despite its problems and its desire to, micromanage continues to no small part, thanks to American taxpayers.
The U.S. pays more than a billion dollars worth of yearly membership dues to the organization, and billions more to support the UN's peacekeeping missions around the world. It's time for the international gravy train to stop.
The Council for Citizens against Government Waste, whose mission is to expose and fight senseless federal spending, is gathering petition signatures to convince Congress to stop spending your money on the UN. We hope you will add your name to the list today.
If you need more convincing, consider that even former UN Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali admitted that "perhaps half of the UN workforce does nothing useful."
But don't expect any of them to be sent packing any time soon. 
Instead, let's stop throwing money at an organization that dislikes all we stand for. Sign the CCAGW petition and join the fight to get the UN out of your wallet.

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