Tuesday, September 8, 2015

20 States have Sanctions against Iran

Texas’ Trade Sanctions against Iran are Finding Their Mark
(Glenn Beck) – I talked with a Texas State Rep tonight, and he shared some terrific news with me – great news. It turns out that 20 states have passed their own sanctions against Iran (in Texas, that has amounted to some $250 billion in assets that are withheld from Iran and those who do business with them; it also significantly hurts American companies who do business with Texas and with Iran – they have to choose one or the other – do business with Texas, or with Iran). Special Headline: Guess Who’s About To Go Bankrupt in America [Learn More] The effect of the state sanctions has been so great that in the John Kerry agreement with Iran, Iran inserted a paragraph calling on the president to do all he can to rescind the state sanctions – so they are hurting Iran.
I will begin working to get other states to impose their own economic/trade sanctions against Iran. Look at the email blast that just went out from State Rep Phil King. Once Again, Texas Got it Right! We weren’t sure it made an impact but apparently it did. Two years ago, Texas legislators passed SB 200, which created Texas economic sanctions against Iran. In the president’s agreement, Iran inserted a paragraph requiring our president to push Texas and other states to lift our sanctions. Once again, Texas got it right!
I stand with Governor Abbott and fully support his letter to our Texas congressional delegation urging their opposition to the Iran nuclear weapons deal. If this deal becomes law, I will do all I can to defend Texas’s economic sanctions.
http://www.glennbeck.com/2015/09/03/once-again-texas-got-it-right-texas-trade-sanctions-against-iran-are-finding-their-mark/?utm_source=glennbeck&utm_medium=contentcopy_link - See more at: http://www.teaparty.org/texas-trade-sanctions-iran-finding-mark-117522/#sthash.gtsSBrwa.dpuf

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