Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Canceling UN Agenda 21

Trump needs to address Agenda 21 directly to end all US government Agenda 21 implementation programs. Unless this happens, the “4th Estate” will continue these programs. After that, Congress should go to zero-based budgeting. $billions in grants go to States and non-profits to support Agenda 21 implementation.

In 1992, George HW Bush signed on the UN Agenda 21 in Rio based on the global warming hoax.  This needs to be rescinded. In 1993, Bill Clinton signed the executive order that started US implementation of UN Agenda 21 by all federal agencies.

This EO needs to be cancelled by Donald Trump. That should be Trump’s first order of business in 2017.  It will put the federal government on notice that all the programs associated with Agenda 21 should be killed.  Congress and the States should follow up with legislation cancelling all Agenda 21 enabling laws.

High density transit oriented development and subsidizing high end economic development need to stop.  Public transit needs to be unsubsidized or be privatized. All bus service can be privatized. Metro commuter trains should receive no federal or state tax subsidies. These are creatures of the cities who created them.

The “Wilding Project” is that part of Agenda 21 that sets aside land for use by wild animals and it needs to be rolled back and eliminated.  If environmentalists want wildlife preserves, they should buy the land themselves and maintain it.

Trump will be canceling Obama’s federal land grabs, but he also should support Western States’ claims on federal land and complaints about federal abuse of farmers, ranchers and fishermen to roll back federal overreach. Wildlife preserves should be returned to productive use. Keeping federal lands should require an Amendment to the US Constitution legitimizing federal lands. 

Land ownership is very restricted in the US Constitution (as written).  The federal government is operating outside of the law and this needs to be resolved.  I would prefer that all federal lands be returned to the States to be put to productive use.   

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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