Monday, May 22, 2017

Middle Eastern Refugee Camps Needed

We need safe zones in the Middle East to send refugees back to camps closer to their home countries.  These need to be Muslim countries who are capable of running these camps correctly.  All Western countries including the US and Europe heed to be able to remove their refugees to reverse the destabilization they have suffered under the UN refugee program.  Refugees who are a problem should be put in separate camps, away from the more vulnerable refugee families.

The mission of these camps would be to return these refugees to safe zones in their own countries to reunite families and restore sovereign populations.  The camps would coordinate and arrange for the return of these refugees.  The camps should not be permanent, but should be scheduled to shut down within a year.

I would not involve the UN in these camps, because they caused the Muslim invasion problem in the first place.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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