Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Dumbing Down Education

by Charlotte Iserbyt – Video, 12/4/11

In 1910, the beginnings of the Marxist “deep state” in the US federal government started to tinker with education in the US. And so the brainwashing began to usher in the “new world order”. In 1973, change agents started with sex education and the curriculum removed classical education material. Skinnerian operant conditioning using computers was the model for stimulus-response to destroy free will. This method suppresses questions with a smiley face.

Charlotte worked in the State Department and was appointed to the Department of Education by Reagan. She told Reagan by letter what she learned and put it in a book, “Soviets in the Classroom” and the “deep state” banned her book. The EU is the new “soviet”. The North American “soviet” combines Mexico and Canada with the US. The neighborhood schools have been removed and consolidation removes local representation in favor of central planning.

She warns about Regionalism and consolidation to implement unelected governance. Leftist propaganda was the basis of everything done by education, government and the media. Funding came from the Carnegie Foundations in 1934. Wilson set up the League of Nations to be the international government we would all report to eventually.

US history was rewritten to promote socialism, regionalism and globalism. Political correctness was introduced to suppress questions and objections and all free speech.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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