Italy: three migrants arrested in teen’s death,
fuels Salvini’s anti-immigrant message, by Ann Corcoran, 10/27/18. Of
course it does!
the BBC: Desirée Mariottini killing: Migrants held in
Italy over girl’s death
Three migrants from Senegal and Nigeria have been arrested by police
investigating the rape and killing of a girl whose death has been seized upon
by the populist right.
body of Desirée Mariottini, 16, was found in a derelict building in an area of
Rome known for drug trafficking. She had been drugged and gang raped.
Right-wing Interior Minister Matteo Salvini hailed the arrests,
condemning those behind the murder as “worms”. It
would not go unpunished, he said.
Salvini: No protection for migrants who
are not legitimate refugees! Mr Salvini, who leads the anti-immigration League party, has
spearheaded measures aimed at scrapping protection for migrants not given
refugee status, as well as stopping NGO ships carrying rescued migrants from
landing in Italy. Italian
leftwingers who want more migration to Italy call Salvini “jackal.”
he visited the scene of Ms Mariottini’s murder on Wednesday close to Rome’s
main Termini station, he was given a mixed reception of cheers and insults.
There were shouts of “jackal”, an insult used by critics who have accused him
of taking political advantage of human tragedy.
believe the victim fell unconscious for several hours last week after being given
a cocktail of drugs by several people, and died of an overdose. She was
sexually abused before she died. More here.
if it’s a long rainy day today where you live, you might want to take some time
and scroll back through my ‘Invasion of Europe’ files here.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody
GA Tea Party Leader
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