Michigan story about refugee slowdown reveals what
citizens really think, by Ann Corcoran, 10/24/18.
Get a load of these (and this is just a sampling!):
All of you should take the opportunity every chance you get to comment to news stories in your communities.And, then go vote!
Today when I saw one more story about some gathering somewhere meant to tell the public how bad the Trump administration is as it slows the flow of third-worlders to unsuspecting middle America towns, my first thought was: blah! blah! blah!
However, for a change I had a good look at the comments to the story at Michigan Live, and I am glad I did!
‘America looks terrible’ with record-low refugee admissions, panelist says.
ANN ARBOR, MI – The U.S. accepted a record low number of refugees in 2018, and now Michigan resettlement agencies are questioning their future.
This is Mark Hetfield of the Hebrew
Immigrant Aid Society protesting the Trump presidency at a rally in New York
shortly after Trump was inaugurated in early 2017. Last I checked he was
pulling down a salary and benefits package of nearly $350,000 a year as HIAS
CEO. Good work if you can get it!
Right now America looks terrible because we are no longer out there
defending the most vulnerable people in the world,” said Mark Hetfield, CEO
of HIAS, the
world’s oldest refugee resettlement agency, based in Maryland. “That’s
something that we have done consistently across Republican and Democratic
administrations, and we have stopped doing that and thrown refugee protection
into reverse.”
participated in a panel discussion on present and future challenges related to
refugee resettlement on Monday, Oct. 22, at the University of Michigan’s
Rackham Graduate School.
panel was part of a two-day “Keeping Our Door Open” symposium in Ann Arbor
coordinated by UM’s School of Social Work, C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital and
Jewish Family Services of Washtenaw County. Needless
to say the panelists go on to complain about how the refugee program is
being diminished by this president. See more here.
If readers simply look at the title and read a bit of the story one would think that the propagandists might actually be reaching people. That is, until one looks at the comments.
Ace 5 minutes ago
Don’t we have our own poor people to be
concerned about? Since when is it our moral imperative to alleviate all the
suffering of the world? Homelessness is up 50%, FIFTY PERCENT, in many parts of
the country from 15 years ago. How about we deal with that first, then maybe
consider importing more poor people?
8 minutes ago
“Right now America looks terrible because we
are no longer out there defending the most vulnerable people in the world,”
said Mark Hetfield, CEO of HIAS who’s nearly $350,000 compensation package is
nearly wholey paid for by taxpayers. So here’s a guy getting taxpayer dollars to
help other people get taxpayer dollars. Nice racket.
1 hour ago
Refugee (noun): a person who has been forced to
leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster. How many of these “refugees” are
actually falling into one of these categories? How many are coming here because
they just don’t like where they live and they heard you can get in by claiming
refugee status. According to the article – “Refugees are entitled to government
assistance coordinating travel plans to get to the U.S. and then resettlement
services that can include assistance with transportation, housing, English
language classes, health care, food, education, employment and citizenship
services.” So if I lived in a very poor country – that sounds like a good deal
to me. So maybe consider those actual refugees are being turned around because
they actually aren’t refugees.
1 hour ago
I’d say the lovely citizens of Ann Arbor
sponsor refugees and house/feed/guarantee non-reliance on government programs to
show their support.
Lover 1 hour ago
Have you noticed that most of the immigrants in
the horde coming from Guatemala and Honduras are males in the 20 to 30 age
group. They carry their country’s flag but refuse to stay in their country and
make it better. I’m sure glad the colonialists were not like them. They stayed
and fought to make a better country. Also many who are interviewed say they are
coming to the USA for a job. A job is not a reason to seek asylum.
Letwin updated 1 hour ago
Yep, you are at risk of losing your jobs and no
longer living off the trough of the taxpayers…”Que Sera, Sera”
updated 1 hour ago
Did these opportunist mouthpieces disclose the
taxpayer-funded profits (BILLIONS) involved with resettling and wrap-around
assistance? This isn’t compassion, it’s greed. Everyone involved is making
money off the scam. Except, of course, middle class taxpayers.
This is an encouraging example of how educated citizens are becoming about the US Refugee Admissions Program.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody
GA Tea Party Leader
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