Article V Con-Con Groups in a Coalition - Who is Holding
Hands with Whom
Article V Con-Con Groups in a Coalition - Who is Holding
Hands with Whom
Recently, we wrote about a popular Article V Con-Con
Compact For America, and the concerning leadership behind
it. On that board of advisers was Harvard's Lawrence Lessig, former adviser to
the Obama campaign. Lessig is on the board of multiple efforts for a Con-Con, including
Compact For America, Call a Convention, ConventionUSA, Rootstrikers, etc.
Another very popular movement being referred to by Glenn Beck,
Mark Levin and others is the
Convention of States, founded and promoted by Mark Meckler,
formerly of the Tea Party Patriots. When they recommend joining this particular
effort, are they aware it is part of a coalition with some questionable
Since their co-sponsored
<http://conconcon.org/> Constitutional Convention conference in
2011, Lessig and Meckler have been in close contact, appearing together at many
events (mostly far Left events) to promote a Constitutional Convention. In
fact, the two of them are scheduled to appear in March for the third year in a
row at the annual Citizen's University conference, along with Grover Norquist.
The conference is sponsored by SEIU among others. <http://www.citizenuniversity.us/conference/>
The fact that these two have worked so closely together
might be concerning enough, but it appears that many of the Con-Con movements
are actually in a coalition together. The different groups in the coalition all
seemed to have had representation at the original 2011 Con-Con conference put
on by Meckler and Lessig, and include some very radical players. It is possible
that the thinking has been to organize subgroups that would appeal to different
factions, but actually be working as a coalition behind the scenes.
Certainly, that has been the result. The coalition is
brought together on the <http://www.callaconvention.org/> Call a Convention site, also headed up by Lessig. Just a
quick glance at one of the stories on their main page gives you a very good
idea of their direction.
A current main page story outlines Lessig's annual New
Hampshire Rebellion walk which addresses the Left's #1 priority,
<http://capitalresearch.org/2013/08/campaign-finance-reform-exposed-once-again/> campaign finance reform. It is promoted as being
anti-corruption, which no one would argue with, but the actual cause is
campaign finance reform, as their site states. Further down the page, you'll
see links to
<https://movetoamend.org/organizations> MoveToAmend.org and
<http://www.wolf-pac.com/> Wolf PAC, two far Left Con-Con movements:
In January, 1999, at the age of 88, Doris Haddock (aka,
"Granny D"), started a walk from LA to DC with a sign on her chest
Six months after she started her walk, John McCain launched
his run for president in New Hampshire with a speech in Bedford that attacked
the "corruption" that the existing system of campaign finance had
With this story from their site as your introduction, take a
look at the coalition members, as shown on the
<http://www.callaconvention.org/coalition> Call a Convention site, of which <http://www.callaconvention.org/leadership> Lawrence Lessig is the founder<http://www.callaconvention.org/leadership> ArticleV.org
We are a group of people from many different groups, and
have become the legal expression of the Inter-Occupy Article V Work Group,
which includes various Occupy chapters, former military, former 99% Declaration
members and many other individual efforts, etc.
This one is run by Dan Marks, part of the
Inter-Occupy working group. He has discussed the movement
with fellow Occupiers here, as well as making a presentation to the radical
Democracy Convention in 2013, Madison, WI. (Code Pink, Green Action, unions,
The website discussion groups break into various interests,
such as one for members of Lessig's Rootstrikers and another one to discuss
ideas like an Israel relocation amendment.
Here is their petition for a Con-Con. Note that they don't
seem to think it's important what amendments would be considered yet ("You
have to pass the Con-Con to know what's in the Con-Con.")
Article V Caucus State legislators that have signed on to a
Con-Con effort.
<http://www.articlevcaucus.org/> Balanced Budget Amendment Task Force Various people working
towards a balanced budget amendment (BBA).<http://www.bba4usa.org/> Call a Convention Home site for the coalition, founded by Lessig.
<http://callaconvention.org/> Convention of States Home site for Mark Meckler's Con-Con effort.
<http://www.conventionofstates.com/> Convention USA Lessig is also on the board of this effort;
mostly professors and judges.
<https://www.conventionusa.org/boardofadvisors.php> Fix Washington By Calling an Article V
"Amendments" Convention Facebook page which "likes" the
pages of other Con-Con movements and endorsers. It appears that attorney David
Guldenschuh runs this page, and posts often refer back to Meckler's Convention
of States site to sign up.
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUTunNBGRWo> Friends of the Article V Convention Led by former Chief
Justice Thomas Brennan, Michigan. Home page features an odd Progressive
cartoon, depicting JBS and the Eagle Forum as Constitutional hypocrites (likely
due to their opposition to a Con-Con.) Another co-founder of this group, Byron
DeLear, just published an article for The Progressive Examiner, in which he
urges a combining of Left and Right for a Con-Con.
Clearly, he is aware this coalition already exists, but had
to start making a case for it.
<http://www.examiner.com/article/fiver-movement-splits-into-two-camps-tea-party-and-open-convention-supporters> Restoring Freedom
Spokesman for this effort- Former North Dakota State Senator
Curtis Olafson. He appeared as a speaker
and a panelist at the Conference on the Constitutional Convention at Harvard
Law School in 2011, where all of them were to start with. He was also invited to join Professor Rob Natelson
as a co-presenter at an Article V Seminar at the Independence Institute in
Denver in November of 2012, and was invited to be a speaker and a panelist at
an Article V Conference held at the University of Central Florida in April of 2013.
Note that Nick Dranias (CFA) and Rob Natelson also spoke at that conference, so
the usual coalition.
Levinson - Constitutional
Law ProfessorUniversity of Texas professor and author of "Our Undemocratic Constitution":
<http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/framed-sanford levinson/1110771922?ean=9780199890750>
In his widely acclaimed volume Our Undemocratic
Constitution, Sanford Levinson boldly argued that our Constitution should not
be treated with "sanctimonious reverence," but as a badly flawed
document deserving revision.
the Publisher
"From America's greatest revolutionary
constitutionalist, a profoundly important book, that will be at the center of
the next reform movement."-Lawrence Lessig, author of Republic, Lost
by Prof. Levinson:
"Critics across the spectrum call the American
political system dysfunctional, even pathological. What they don't mention, though, is the role
of the Constitution itself in generating the pathology. . Most contemporary
Americans . have seemingly lost their capacity for thinking seriously about the
extent to which the Constitution serves us well.
Instead, the Constitution is enveloped in near religious
veneration. . We are long overdue for a serious discussion about [the
Constitution's] own role in creating the depressed (and depressing) state of
American politics."
PAC Founded
by Cenk Uygar of "The Young Turks" and often linked to by Lessig and other Leftist sites such as the
Coffee Party, Wolf PAC makes no secret of their interest, which is campaign finance reform. Cenk was
also among the participants at the original Mecker-Lessig Conference for a
Constitutional Convention in Sept. 2011. From WolfPAC's state coordinator
appearing at the
Texans United to Amend Rally, January 2013 (regional branch
of the radical MoveToAmend.org group):
<https://movetoamend.org/organizations> If we are to be successful we have to work together. Not only Wolf-PAC, Move To Amend,
Rootstrikers, Coffee Party, AFL-CIO,
NAACP, Public Citizen, Progress Texas, Occupy and all the other groups who have come together here today, but with
others with whom we may not have anything in common except the certainty that
money in politics has destroyed our democracy and will destroy our country.
<https://movetoamend.org/organizations> Is this to be a "Kumbaya" Con-Con? The various
coalition groups know that they can appeal to everyone with an anti-corruption
and "get money out of politics" approach. Who would argue with that?
But what they say and what they do can be two very different things, and
trusting your Constitution to this questionable coalition headed by Lawrence
Lessig is a high stakes gamble.
<https://movetoamend.org/organizations> This is Part 2 in a series.
Victoria Baer
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