Saturday, June 21, 2014


Right Brain Liberals

These folks love scenery.  They love to travel and see scenery, especially when it doesn’t cost them any money to do this.  Lots of academics are like this.  Obviously, they want the government to provide their scenery and travel money.  They love National Parks and will defend them to the death. The environmentalists are in this camp.  They like the Wildings project, where the government steals our land and gives it back to the animals.  They are definitely “big government” types.  They are nonchalant about who should pay for this. They think we should raise taxes, because everybody has the “right” to this scenery.  They like “new urban planning”, planted streetscapes, public transit, outdoor cafés, transit villages, parks, walking trails and on-street bike lanes because they are “cool”.

Feed the Poor Liberals

These folks believe that God put them here to feed the poor.  They seldom ask how it is that these people are poor.  They like government feeding the poor.  Most poor people on the planet are poor because their governments are corrupt and keep them poor. When you say this, their eyes glaze over. They do volunteer work at homeless shelters and realize that most of these homeless are alcoholic, but don’t think of themselves as enablers. Catholic Democrats tend to be Feed the Poor Liberals.

Global Warming Liberals

There are two kinds of Global Warming Liberals, Conscious Marxists and comatose sheep.  The Conscious Marxists love this scam and are making money from it.  The comatose sheep had one too many environmental studies courses and tend to be right-brain liberals. If they have any feed-the-poor liberal leanings, they will tell you that God wants them to protect the planet.  There are wealthy global-warming liberals who I suspect are Conscious Marxists and poor global-warming liberals, most of whom are the comatose sheep.  If they read Agenda 21, they will discover that the wealthy win.

Union Liberals

They grew up in union families, read all the propaganda and firmly believe they need to band together for protection. They are joiners and like clubs to belong to.  Most are Democrats and will defend Democrat “values” to the death.  They like big government because it’s another club that will protect them.  There are two types of union liberals, active and recovering.  The active ones are steeped in union philosophy and are Marxist robots.  The recovering ones are more skeptical and came out as Reagan Democrats in 1980.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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