Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Other Conservatives

I wrote about Constitutional Conservatives because they are beginning to form coalitions (see post June 19, 2014).

There are lots of folks who would say they are conservatives. Some are Democrats. Some are not really Conservatives, but they say they are, because they are running for office as Republicans.

Chamber of Commerce Conservatives

This group believes that anything good for businesses who contribute to their campaigns and other chamber of commerce politicians is conservative. 

Fair Tax Conservatives

This group believes that if we just establish a national sales tax to replace the income tax, we can end the income tax and close the IRS.  Fat chance.

Article V Conservatives

This group believes we should get 2/3rds of the States to petition, so we can call a Constitutional Convention to pass a balanced budget amendment for the Federal government.  They forget, the bad guys are in charge right now.  We would get the old constitution from the USSR, regional, soviet unelected governance.

Social Conservatives

This group concentrates on other peoples’ morality and having the government feed the poor (everywhere), They come in two sizes, big government and small government.

Suicidal Conservatives

This group believes that we must first attack the immorality imbedded in the American culture and population.  Good luck getting any votes.  I prefer to shut off the funding for the clowns who got us in this mess first. “The People” will fix their own morality.

Fiscal Conservatives

This group concentrates on government spending, costs, budgets and government debt.  If you’re not one of these, you’re in a coma.

Gay Conservatives

They are gay business owners and highly paid professionals and don’t need to become part of a “protected group”.  They know economics and think we are in a hell of a lot of trouble.

Black Conservatives

They are black business owners and highly paid professionals and don’t need to be part of a “protected group”.  They have managed to hold their families together against insurmountable odds. They will tell you how Lyndon Johnson destroyed the black family.

Women Conservatives

They are women whose parents were conservatives or are well versed in how our economy is supposed to work and how that compares with our current mess.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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