Thursday, June 19, 2014

Constitutional Conservatives

We are Constitutional Conservatives who are working to restore the U.S. Constitution (as written) and to do that by bringing government into compliance with the 10th Amendment by urging our state legislators to pass bills nullifying unconstitutional federal laws and regulations in our states.  We have chosen this path, because we know that the federal government will not act to repair itself.
Our members cannot be defined by simple labels, but there are certainly groups within our group. Most of us are “small government: fiscal conservatives, who realize that government needs to spend less, get out of debt, shrink its footprint and get out of businesses that can be done by the private sector. We want to accomplish this by electing Constitutional conservative politicians, who will take actions to accomplish 10th Amendment compliance.
Family Oriented Constitutional Conservatives
We believe that family is the basic economic entity.  That entity certainly includes your spouse and your children as a family unit.  We would not tax inheritance. 
Family members are the only ones who can properly confront bad or dangerous behavior to warn immediate family members of the dangers and consequences surrounding their bad choices. 
We also include your grandchildren, your parents, your brothers and sisters and could expect that family members could help support each other in times of need within their means to do so, without jeopardizing family unit finances or time.
God-loving Constitutional Conservatives
When given the choice between church and state, we will take church. We believe that each person in the family has free will, given by God.  If their choices have bad consequences, they are “in training” and God is in charge,
Helping friends, neighbors and others in need is called for based on proximity and circumstance.  If we see someone fall off a ladder, we need to ensure that they are ok and get help if needed and their family is not around to do so.  Close neighbors without family nearby require special attention by other neighbors.
Charity requires personal attention. If funds are charged by the government to redistribute to the poor, that’s socialism and is not charity.    
We believe we have God-given inalienable rights to life, liberty and our own property and the primary role of government is to protect those rights.  We oppose government attempts to disrupt or usurp these rights. We believe abortion is murder.
Liberty Constitutional Conservatives
We are opposed to government interference, intrusion and overreach.  We would oppose unnecessary or ineffective laws and regulations.  We want the government out of our lives, out of our businesses, out of the media and out of the popular culture. We prescribe the most individual liberty feasible. 
Principled Constitutional Conservatives
We demand a return to the “rule of law” and expect government to follow the rules and the law.  We would attack corruption, bribery, extortion and would overhaul laws, regulations and practices in government.  When we’re done, you won’t recognize the place.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader 

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