Friday, August 1, 2014

Benghazi FOIA Strategy

To: Senators & Congressmen

We keep learning bits and pieces of the truth about Barack Obama's Benghazi cover-up because of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests that are being made by private citizens.  The Executive Branch keeps ignoring congressional subpoenas for Benghazi documents, but under a FOIA request, the agency in question has to provide the documents within 20 days or they can be sued in court!

The courts have held that a congressional committee acting on official business can submit FOIA requests to the Executive Branch, just like these brave private citizens have been doing! Obama and his underlings have been caught lying time and time again because of citizens exercising their rights under FOIA. You can do the same thing!

I demand that you start using FOIA requests as part of the official committee process to obtain Obama's hidden Benghazi documents, emails and phone records. Get the documents! Get the truth!

And if Obama refuses to release the documents within 20 days, take him to court so a judge can ORDER him to turn them over to you. Obama's lies and stonewalling have gone on long enough!

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