Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Open Border on purpose

Homeland Security ‘Partnered With’ UN Migration Organization, Triggered Border Crisis
Posted on August 12, 2014 Written by D.C. Clothesline
Even the main­stream media can no longer ignore US Immi­gra­tion and Cus­toms Enforcement’s (ICE) refusal to fol­low or enforce fed­eral law.
ICE and US Cus­toms and Bor­der Patrol (CBP) have become pos­si­bly the world’s largest human traf­fick­ing orga­ni­za­tion, using buses and com­mer­cial air­lines to openly trans­port ille­gal aliens all over the United States; even as far away as Alaska, Hawaii, and the Vir­gin Islands.
As far back as 2011, inde­pen­dent media and watch­dog groups were issu­ing warn­ings about the reck­less dere­lic­tion of duty by ICE that would result in a major crisis.
The Fed­er­a­tion for Amer­i­can Immi­gra­tion Reform (FAIR) high­lighted the Mor­ton Memos, issued by ICE Direc­tor John Mor­ton, begin­ning in March 2011. These memos ordered changes in pol­icy ensur­ing that ICE and CBP would be unable to per­form accord­ing to their mandates.
In the October-November 2011 issue of Migra­tion Pol­icy Prac­tice, the Inter­na­tional Orga­ni­za­tion for Migra­tion (IOM) announced that in March, it had ‘part­nered’ with the US Depart­ment of Home­land Secu­rity (DHS).
An IOM/DHS work­shop, held around the same time as the first ‘Mor­ton Memo’, planned how to best facil­i­tate a mass migra­tion of ille­gal immi­grants into the United States, or as the IOM sum­ma­rized it:
“exam­ined the bal­ance between the need for agile and com­pas­sion­ate responses by immi­gra­tion sys­tems and the need to pre­serve the integrity of those sys­tems. Among the key themes raised there were the impor­tance of pre­pared­ness and pre-established immi­gra­tion poli­cies that can be quickly imple­mented as soon as an emer­gency occurs; the estab­lish­ment of mech­a­nisms for quickly iden­ti­fy­ing indi­vid­u­als in need of inter­na­tional pro­tec­tion; and the crit­i­cal value of coor­di­na­tion for both the imme­di­ate and longer term migra­tion response.”
On July 18, 2014, the IOM posted this arti­cle on their web­site, clearly claim­ing credit for facil­i­tat­ing the crisis: IOM Stresses Need to Increase Assis­tance to Unac­com­pa­nied Chil­dren Trav­el­ing to the United States  Excerpt – “The abil­ity of tran­sit coun­tries to deal with the sit­u­a­tion is strained, and once in the U.S., the government’s capac­ity to prop­erly receive and assist child migrants is equally stretched. IOM, through its pres­ence in all coun­tries in the region, has con­sid­er­able expe­ri­ence address­ing these chal­lenges. Through infor­ma­tion cam­paigns, IOM warns par­ents of the dan­gers of send­ing their chil­dren north with smug­glers. IOM also works with migrant chil­dren and fam­i­lies in shel­ters in tran­sit coun­tries and when return­ing home.” (empha­sis mine)
DHS and IOM didn’t dis­cuss main­tain­ing bor­der integrity or pre­vent­ing ille­gal immi­gra­tion because the IOM is a UN agency with the sin­gu­lar mis­sion of facil­i­tat­ing ‘migra­tion’ with no regard for national sovereignty. Since this ‘part­ner­ship’ was unac­com­pa­nied by press releases, it passed unno­ticed by the media and the Amer­i­can Peo­ple. So, in Decem­ber of 2011, when Gov­ern­ment Secu­rity News filed a report stat­ing that DHS Sec­re­tary Napoli­tano had “directed ICE to develop a national-level mass migra­tion plan”, only a few inde­pen­dent media out­lets even both­ered men­tion­ing it. That announce­ment would be echoed in Jan­u­ary 2014, when ICE posted a request on for Plan­ning, Brief­ing, and Report­ing Anla­y­sis for Emer­gency Response and Mass Migra­tion Sup­port only months before the his­toric influx of ille­gal immi­grants into Texas.
The requests included: “Assist in coor­di­na­tion and col­lab­o­ra­tion with inter­nal and exter­nal stake­hold­ers to facil­i­tate a “Whole Com­mu­nity” approach to com­pre­hen­sive emer­gency pre­pared­ness facil­i­tat­ing the align­ment of lead­er­ship guid­ance, orga­ni­za­tional require­ments, and equities.” “Pro­vide sup­port for program/project man­age­ment, oper­a­tions, coor­di­na­tion, plan­ning, and pol­icy sup­port regard­ing all-hazard emergency/crisis man­age­ment, pre­pared­ness, con­ti­nu­ity of oper­a­tions, and enter­prise resilience before, dur­ing and after natural/man made and or tech­no­log­i­cal inci­dents or events.”
The request was posted on Jan­u­ary 21st, 2014 with a response date of Feb­ru­ary 14th.
In hind­sight, the post­ing con­tained some very omi­nous indi­ca­tors dis­guised by it’s mun­dane lan­guage. For one, the lim­ited response time cer­tainly gives the request a sense of urgency. Key­words like ‘pre­pared­ness’ and ‘all-hazard emergency/crisis’ are strik­ingly sim­i­lar to our news head­lines now as we enter the third month of the offi­cially rec­og­nized Bor­der Crisis.
Sup­port was sought for ‘enter­prise resilience’ bring­ing to mind wide­spread loot­ing or even eco­nomic col­lapse “before, dur­ing and after natural/man made and or tech­no­log­i­cal inci­dents or events” Eerily, it was these three ele­ments that cre­ated the Bor­der Crisis.
Reports of numer­ous pandemic-causing dis­eases have not slowed the regime’s efforts to accom­mo­date any­one will­ing to vio­late our bor­der. Cen­tral and South Amer­i­can news­pa­pers have, for months, reported that ‘chil­dren’ and fam­i­lies will not be turned away, but instead will be eli­gi­ble to vote and receive wel­fare. Once again, a sta­tis­ti­cally unlikely com­puter glitch has con­ve­niently pro­vided the regime with a form of plau­si­ble deni­a­bil­ity, just like with Obamacare.
Over the past year, as inde­pen­dent jour­nal­ists mon­i­tored the Fed­Bi­zOpps site to keep track of the record stock­pil­ing of ammu­ni­tion and other sus­pi­cious acqui­si­tions by the Fed­eral Gov­ern­ment, sev­eral requests by FEMA in August 2013 raised red flags, sig­nal­ing the government’s prepa­ra­tion for some unknown, immi­nent emergency.
Requests from FEMA were put out for an indef­i­nite sup­ply of freeze-dried food, bot­tled water for up to four years, cut­lery kits, bev­er­age dis­pensers “capa­ble of hold­ing hot or cold bev­er­ages,” paper towel dis­pensers, assorted tea bags, hot choco­late mix, drink/punch mix, lemon­ade mix, and assorted fruit juice in bottles.
That same month a request was made for emer­gency shel­ters, and shel­ter clean­ing kits. Then, in Feb­ru­ary 2014, came a request for 150 man­u­fac­tured homes per week that could be deployed to any state in the coun­try, with the poten­tial to become per­ma­nent housing.
Addi­tional orders for Bulk Hygiene Kits, Waste Removal Ser­vices, and “Evac­u­a­tion Plan­ning and Oper­a­tional Sup­port for Motor Coaches” left lit­tle room for spec­u­la­tion. The gov­ern­ment seemed to know for cer­tain that some­thing ter­ri­ble was coming.
These prepa­ra­tions finally made sense this sum­mer when an unprece­dented num­ber of ille­gal immi­grants started flood­ing across the bor­der and the Fed­eral Gov­ern­ment gave them refuge instead of turn­ing them back.
Why would the US Gov­ern­ment part­ner with the United Nations in order to cre­ate an immi­gra­tion emer­gency that’s pre­dicted to cause an ‘over­whelm­ing pub­lic health cri­sis’, and may pos­si­bly be the last nail in the cof­fin for our domes­tic economy?
The real ques­tion is, given the multi-billion dol­lar sur­veil­lance appa­ra­tus that we funded after 9/11 (largely to pre­vent peo­ple from sneak­ing over our bor­der) and with the omni­science of the NSA at it’s dis­posal; how could the Bor­der Cri­sis hap­pen if the Fed­eral Gov­ern­ment wasn’t allow­ing it?
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