Thursday, August 21, 2014

Roberts’ Remarks, August 15, 2014

49 million people are on food stamps
15 million people are on disability
That's 60 million people (at least) on the dole
There never has been a time in world history where every Central Bank (every country) is printing unlimited money.
Real Simply: The dollar will be radically devalued
At that time we will have a total collapse
I have a problem with a U.S. tax code that drives the so called rich to invest overseas and to EVEN give up their citizenship to try to keep some of their earnings. The top 1% already pays 40% of all the income taxes in this country. The top 10% already pays 50% of all the taxes in this country. The bottom 50% in this country pay virtually no income taxes and indeed, get a tax credit check back from the U.S. Government usually in the average amount of $3000.
I have a problem with a government that intrudes into every aspect of your privacy to the extent that there is no privacy left at all, and this is not an exaggeration.
I have a problem with a propaganda ridden U.S. press that for the most part represents a kingdom of misinformation. One has to go overseas to realize what is the truth and what are fabrications and lies. The reader has no idea of the incredible corruption of Wall Street Banks and the lack of prosecution.  You wouldn't believe it. Below is a continued listing of suicides and mysterious deaths of people all connected to JP Morgan Chase, now mostly not reported in the U.S. press.  To repeat to you, the fines levied against JP Morgan Chase are the government actually fining itself as this bank is actually the government in almost every respect. So the bank fines mean nothing.
I always write before I start that the below writings are reflective of my opinions. I do not know it all, and I am not a guru. There are no long term gurus because they all wind up on the trash heap of time. The hardest thing for any investment person to do is to get the timing of some action right. I can safely tell one that the dollar, through the unlimited printing of paper money, will some day be worthless and thus anything denominated in U.S. dollars will be printed out of existence.  But the timing;;;;;; And that is because your government, through illegal means ( mostly) can intervene in all the markets and delay the inevitable. They cannot stop the inevitable, only drag out the ultimate conclusion. In all my years of managing money, I have never seen so many illegal actions undertaken by a sitting government.
To emphasize my opinion, I would be out of most stocks, both U.S. and especially European until the correction I see coming is over. The coming correction will be at least 20% for most equities .There may be rallies but the overall short term scenario is down. And it makes no sense to me to try to time a bear market bounce. The Dow and the broad U.S. equity markets are now ( I believe) in a mini bear market and this bear market could last from 6 to 12 months in duration.( Stock Charts .con) After this correction, we go back into a long term bull market and the Dow will go much higher than it is now. The choice is to remain in what I would term a very bad market, or get out and then get back in. The only thing supporting the stock market now is the PPT (The Plunge Protection Team) That is another name for the U.S. government buying stocks with printed money.
The one overriding scenario that is mentioned in most of my Remarks, is the continuing devaluation of the dollar and the eventual radical revaluation of the U.S. dollar. Revaluation means the eventual changing of the dollar itself into a new dollar. And most people do not comprehend a new dollar or discount that this is going to happen. They cannot envision a new U.S. dollar. Many will tell me that I have been saying this for several years and no new dollar has appeared. Just a devaluing dollar in terms of inflation, which is bad enough. So my warnings go unheeded.  The object is to get out of the dollar and into a form of currency that cannot be tampered with by the Federal Reserve. And that is gold and silver, platinum. Its eventual upward valuation can only be delayed.
You cannot have a budget deficit of $1.5 trillion dollars every year now and as far as the eye can see, and have the U.S. dollar not be devalued. If you invest for income in U.S. Treasuries, your actual real rate of return is totally negative. You are going down the tubes.
A very short note first on hypocrisy every day we are shown the deaths of Palestinians (1900) some of them children.  This is sad. And I do not want to go into a long dissertation on the pros and cons of this Gaza War. In the past two years over 170,000 Syrians have been killed, and 2000 in the last week alone and literally every week are killed.. Not a single word in the last month or even months in any news media that I have seen. 2 million Syrians displaced to Jordan and 2 million to the Turkish Border. Another one million Syrians displaced to Lebanon. When Arabs kill Arabs, apparently that is not worthy of daily mention. When Israel defends itself against rockets every day, your President makes phone calls to Israel.  And that is what is called hypocrisy in my opinion.
I insert here that you now have ISIS coming into view. This is Arabs killing Christians. And this, for some reason now makes the news. Remember 170,000 Syrians. What about them?  But I focus on investments and assets.
Sometimes it is necessary to review what this letter has been saying for the past several years, months, weeks. Stop listening to what Obama says. Instead always watch what he does. Your assets, my assets, are literally melting away. The stock market is an exception but only through huge manipulation and U.S. government intervention.. Even this does not matter as the value of the dollar melts away through inflation. Our incomes are in decline and have been for many months now. Job prospects are disappearing with part time jobs taking their place. People thus cannot make a living on a part time job unless he or she has at least two part time jobs at the same time. My prediction is that the job market is going to get much worse. The entire economy is going to get much worse. You have not seen anything yet. More than 50% of the people in this country have less than $500 dollars in savings. Any interruption of government checks and they will take to the streets.
The bills that people pay are rising every month and I have mentioned inflation many times in my last letters. My prediction is that inflation will ramp up over the next few years till the average person cannot survive without drastic adjustments to his standard of living. Inflation is going to get very bad. Frankly, I do not know how many people are making it (surviving) right now.
The inflation adjusted net worth of the typical U.S. household was $87,992 in 2003. Ten years later it was only $56,335 or a 36% decline according to a study financed by the Russell Sage Foundation. And yet, the paying for things is becoming more and more difficult. Obama's attack on the" rich" which was pitting Wall Street against Main Street is really a con game. It's Obama's favorite lie. To repeat it is a con game for liars. This president's big lie Socialist Agenda is not aimed at the Super Rich. This is just the total fake to cover the actual truth. It is just the propaganda that he uses to sell his con game to the masses. Obama's destructive game is aimed squarely at you, the middle class Americans, small business owners and even the upper middle class. It is aimed at those with ambition His tactic is to confiscate your money and to kill the American dream. This is done through the use of taxes upon taxes, regulation after regulation. The liberals who think they will be left alone are dreaming. The taxes will come to just about everyone who tries to make a decent living.
The basic premise that I have put fourth is that Socialism ,as promulgated by President Obama will not and can not work. That pushing the Socialist Agendas will destroy this country. "Socialism is the spreading of misery equally." Thatcher.  It destroys the initiative to work and to be innovative. And I go into more this below. I do not hate Obama, (I do not hate anyone) but I object to him destroying the very fabric of our country. And I can put fourth extensive research to prove this. There is now six years of this president's results.
Obama's real aim is to create two classes of people. 1) The super rich who support and contribute to Obama and are rewarded with  huge favoritism, bailouts, government contracts; and 2) the poor who loyally vote for Obama or soon only Democrats who receive handouts in order to survive. That is the way I see it, understand it,and analyze it. This is how one takes control of an entire economy. The super rich and the large corporations are bribed ( lobbyists) into cooperation with the government and the poor are dependent  on the government to survive.
There is no in between Why do you think the mega wealthy, the big corporations and the big unions benefit the most from Obama's big socialist government.? There are armies of lobbyists and lawyers who guarantee them special tax credits, exemptions and write-offs. They will find ways around the new healthcare laws, environmental regulations, and labor laws. But the middle class have no lobbyists and high priced lawyers to bear the brunt of Obama's new and endless laws and taxes. That is becoming the new American dream. It is called the American nightmare.   To repeat: the middle class will  be regulated, intimidated and taxed to death. Obama wants you dependent upon government. Wealth (gold) gives you independence and it does not matter what the price is. Gold gives to anonymity. There is no name on a gold or silver coin.

People's options for surviving are becoming less and less, and that goes along with your rights under our constitution which are constantly being by passed by this president. Congress is being bypassed by this President and I sent you a speech by Trey Goudy which says it asll.. The middle class is being squeezed out of existence. Small business, which makes up 70% of all hiring, is being squeezed, slowly destroyed by being regulated and taxed to death. Our children's future, my children's future is being destroyed by the accumulation of debt that this world has never experienced before. As time goes on, and not much time, you will be living through a never ending nightmare. A nightmare is usually made up of bad dreams only these dreams will become, are becoming, a reality. Under this president it is going to get worse hour by hour, day by day. I have nothing against this president except that he is a destroyer who took an oath on the holy bible ( or the Koran) to uphold the Constitution. Some people often cite Bush the junior as being as bad when he was in office. Trust me, there is no comparison in the destruction, the underhandedness, the mafia like actions that this president is taking. He is going to undertake, is undertaking, an economic disaster.
In my opinion, it is too late for us as he has another two years to finishing destroying this great country. It is too late.
This government is actually worse than the mafia. The mafia, as I read it, gives you protection and takes 10% of your profit as payment. This government takes 50% of your income through various taxes and gives you no protection.
And I said in my last letter, Detroit is the ultimate "Obama experiment--a one party system for 60 straight years under Democratic rule 100% and now a Third World city in the center of America. Detroit is a look into the future of America if Obama gets his own way.  Flint Michigan and Chicago Illinois are right behind Detroit So are 36 other cities. It's just a matter of time. All of this was not totally attributed to Obama, but this president is putting the nail in the proverbial coffin. To be sure, Obama did not destroy Detroit by himself. But what has brought Detroit down are the same tactics that your president is promulgating right now.
THE WAR CYCLES (repeated for emphasis)
I have mentioned several times the War Cycles in previous Remarks. In my opinion we are heading for World War 3. If you study these charts you will see mentioned three major war cycle periods: the 8.8 year, the 17.6 year and the 51 year war cycles. In my opinion, they are very accurate and the scary thing about these three cycle periods is that they all are converging at the same time in the period from 2013 to 2020. And all of these  war cycles are now vertical in nature. Vertical means straight up and dangerous. It means the spreading of war in addition to a lot of other meanings. It is about the coming revolution and unrest in many countries.  It also portends of much higher inflation down the road. You will not be able to keep up with this inflation except for owning precious metals. (I keep repeating this) People will invade their retirement accounts, their 401K accounts, their savings accounts just to survive.
You should also keep in mind that if one studies history, (as I often do) going back over 5000 years, there is only one currency that has lasted and that is gold. Gold's most important role is not as a hedge against inflation, but instead as a hedge against collapsing governments and geo political risks. On this basis alone, one should be accumulating precious metals. They will preserve what you have been working for all your life.
(You have a rising tide of political unrest that is occurring all over the globe. And to repeat myself, that is the primary force that will be driving the precious metals and yes, the mining shares as well. Now and for the next three years at least. I mention also inflation as well but first gold must pass its inflation adjusted value and that is around $2300. in today's dollars.
But if you wait until that figure is reached, I’m afraid the availability of gold will be gone. The proverbial train will have left the station.)
The War Cycles also mean that OIL will be going up. ISIS has taken over land in Iraq and Kurdistan that produces a lot of oil and that will be withheld from the market as an added weapon. Oil always leads to gold and both will be going up. The U.S. has become more self sufficient, as some people tell me, but even this will not stop the rise in the price of oil, and thus gasoline. At some point Russia ( Putin) is going to withhold energy from several countries, and that alone will drive up the price of gasoline and thus inflation.
And these battles that I see and mention here will soon be coming to MAIN STREET. But you don't believe me??? They are already here and just starting You have Obama's Socialist Marxist policies which instigate class warfare. The filthy rich vs the helpless poor. Or it can be distilled down to a battle between the public and the private sectors. It is Obama's socialist policies that instigate class warfare. It is Obamacare that is nothing but a disguised tax. Frankly, it is an impossible piece of legislation.
Political leaders are caught in a crossfire, not knowing really what to do (especially Obama), but to repeat the mistakes of the past. Consciously or unconsciously, leaders of Western economies are turning against their own people, raising taxes (especially Obama), hunting down every penny of their assets, confiscating assets in Europe, and preparing to confiscate assets in the U.S.
Central Banks are going crazy, still printing money, even buying back as many equities to try to re-inflate the global economy.
Review of the Stock Market ( continued from above)
The war cycles are going to impact the markets in a very dramatic way. When the war cycles are rising and revolutions are in the air, markets are often turned inside out and upside down which actions leaves the majority of investors either frozen on the sidelines or worse, caught on the wrong side of the markets., which will cost them their portfolios
Most precious metals investors and people in general, are going to be caught flatfooted looking for evidence that inflation is starting to soar. 9% inflation is here to stay and only increase. Food up 20% year over year and that is conservative. Gold and silver and platinum will be your best investments over the coming years.
People should already realize that rising geo-political unrest is already starting to light a fire under the precious metals and the mining shares, and will do so for many years to come.  The war cycles are negative all the way out to 2027. Gold and silver must and always will react to war. The best thing one can do now is to make sure you have liquid funds at all times so that you are positioned at all times to take advantage of the very low prices in gold, silver and some oil stocks.

Right now the stock market is very overvalued. I am looking for a possible correction to the 13,600 level. (charts) I do not believe there can be any notable gains in the stock market until this pull back that I feel will be taking place. But to be contradictory most investors will start selling the stock market expecting a bear market in times of war and social chaos.. But after this necessary correction, there will be a great battle between the public and private sectors and I think you will see money leaving the public sector in droves, reinvesting for safety and income in the private sector, and I then think the U.S. equity markets will explode higher, more than doubling over the next several years. And that may sound contradictory. MLP's give one a good return and a tax deferred income.  There is one caveat mentioned later. So first an expected market decline and then a stock market take off..


Many investors will flock to the alleged safety of U.S. sovereign debt, only to find that the price of these bonds will crumble as knowing investors dump these bonds en masse, sending interest rate up. Stay away from sovereign debt because many countries are printing the hell out of their currencies, especially the Euro and the U.S. Dollar Do not park your money in the Euro. Most of the countries in the Euro currencies are dead broke.


Most investors will expect the U.S. dollar to decline even collapse initially, when in reality the dollar will first go up as capital pours out of the Euro and less stable regions into the dollar

But this is going from the frying pan into the fire. The dollar will eventually collapse due to major inflation and printing coming.


When it comes to gold, I can tell the reader that regardless if gold has bottomed or not, with one more possible new low, the time is rapidly approaching when we will see gold and silver lift off to an incredible wave higher. I am covering myself by putting the possibility of one more low at about 10%. If we can get a close higher than $1361 on the charts, then I believe we are off to the races. Silver is pretty much in the same shape as gold and will move in tandem with the price of gold. The only thing holding gold down now is the plunge protection team selling gold and silver short (naked shorts) on the Comex. That will be coming to an end.


Lest We Forget

In my opinion, people just really do not know how bad things are or how bad they are going to get. You are living in LA LA land the below facts are for you to think about. The media paints an absolutely false picture of our economy.


To repeat myself, Obama believes in incremental success. like boiling that frog I talked about in previous Remarks, until that frog ( you) is cooked before it ( you) ever realize what is happening and you and I are that frog. I think that the evidence is clear to me. Your government is never going to save the healthcare system or the economy, or us. It is just going to make things worse Which I believe is exactly how Obama wants it.--because the worse the crisis the bigger the opportunity for ever more rescue efforts, to pass more laws and regulations to save you, yet more socialism more government expansion. If you are waiting for your government to save you, get ready to wait a long time. Obamacare does not work, will not work, and is just another tax and a means of controlling you, and another 16,000 IRS agents are being hired to prove it.

The facts are absolutely horrendous. I am sure by now every one knows about the Veterans administration. A Federal Appeals court has ruled that the VA suffers from "unchecked incompetence" This incompetence literally kills our veterans. Does the reader know that 18 veterans a day commit suicide. Or that 85,000 veterans are on waiting lists for basic care. Even a severely depressed veteran can wait up to eight weeks to see a psychiatrist. So, do you still want the government to handle your health care.


The U.S. postal service by law, is not subject to competition. Yet it lost $15.5 billion last year. And it has lost billions every year for the last five years. An average postal worker makes $80,000 a year or 20,000 more than a worker in the private sector.


When medicare was founded in the 1960s government" experts" estimated that it would cost $12 billion by the year 1990. Instead it cost $110 billion. How about the department of energy. It was founded in 1977 to solve our energy crisis. It now has 115,000 employees and spends $24 billion per year. But on what? It would have been better spending the entire budget on buying gas for everyone in this country.


In spite of all the fallacies that I write about and am going to write about in these Remarks, I still get E mails commenting that Obama will go down in history as the best President we ever had. Each person is entitled to their opinion, but when I get these comments, I know that no matter what I write, you are never going to change the mind of a liberal of a progressive.

I subscribe to reports and pamphlets from the Bureau of Labor Statistic, the General Accounting Offices, especially Shadow Statistics ( John Williams) ,the Heritage Foundation,  and many more. From these I have culled a list of current statistics that I think are reflective of what is going on today: ( not all of these facts can be attributed to Obama) but most.

Remember, I am assuming that people on the dole will always vote Democratic.



The number of Americans living in poverty in the suburbs  has risen by more than 60% since the year 2000.

Fully 15% of the total American population is on food stamps. The highest number ever and continuing to rise. What recovery? Tell me where it is.

The number of American getting food stamps is now bigger than the population of the entire Northeast United States--  including New York City, Boston, and Philadelphia.

The food stamp rolls are now larger than the entire population of Spain. And there is talk of some recovery?

The number of people on disability is now bigger than the entire population of Greece. In fact, people going on disability may now be considered as one of the fastest growing segments of our economy.


In 1965 one out of every fifty Americans was on Medicaid. Today, approximately one out of every six Americans is on Medicaid. To me, Medicaid is welfare.. In other words, an incredible 82,457,000 Americans live in households receiving Medicaid benefits. Experts predict that Obamacare will add an additional 21 million Americans to Medicaid.-the greatest expansion of the welfare state in history. Remember, it is my belief that Obama wants to overload the system to a point of currency collapse. That is one of Bill Ayers strategies. What recovery? Where?
Over100 million Americans are getting some form of Welfare, or one in every three Americans and I am not including Social Security or Over Medicare. More Americans are receiving welfare than are working full time jobs. And there is the mention of a recovery.

Almost half of all students  in public schools come from low income families. About 57% of all children in the United States are living in poverty or defined as low income. For the first time in our history, over one million public school students are homeless. More than 20% of all families had trouble buying food for their families and this was even with a food stamp charge card. Food assistance to needy families now takes up 72% of the budget of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  And there is talk of a mythical recovery. My God.


BANKERS DYING, Committing Suicide

Below are some time lines ( dates) for people dying, strangely all within six months of each other, strangely all JP Morgan employees.

If one remembers, I had listed in several previous Remarks, bankers who have committed suicide, been mysteriously "suicided", and just plain died for various causes. The word, suicided, is done on purpose if there is such a word. It means killed by various means.. And strangely enough, most of the deaths, both in this country and overseas have been connected to JP Morgan Chase. At least 20 that I have listed, so far in a previous Remarks. But there have been more, but not mentioned in the controlled news papers. of this country. And so I mention a few more.

J.P Morgan Chase has been experiencing tragic, sudden deaths of workers on a scale which sets it totally apart from other Wall Street mega banks. Adding to this concern generated by all these deaths is the revelation that JP Morgan carries over $180 billion of life insurance total on all of all of its employees, past and present.

So we have the new deaths of Julian Knott and his wife Alita, ages 45 and 47 in Jefferson Township, N.J. ( July 16,2014) Julian shot his wife and then himself. ( no witnesses) The idea that he would orphan his surviving three children is simply not believable.

Knott worked at J.P Morgan computer networks in London since 2001. He had been transferred to JP Morgan in Columbus Ohio and then relocated to J.P. Morgan Whippany

N.J. He is.  dead. period Knott worker with 39 year old Gabriel Magee, a JP Morgan Vice President. who allegedly leaped from a 33 story building in London.

Just six week before Magee's death, we have Jason Alan Salais, age 34, standing outside a Walgreens on December 15, and dies of a sudden mysterious   heart attack He was a Technology Worker at J.P. Morgan who previously worker for Logix Systems.

Just 13 days prior to the death of Julian Knott a skilled technology worker at JP Morgan, Richard Gravino, age 49, was part of an Application Development Team at JP Morgan, Tampa Florida. His death occurred on June 24, 2014, not reported in papers. Cause of death still pending.

On May 7, 2014, Thomas Schenkman, age 42, died suddenly in Connecticut. He was Managing Director of Global Infrastructure Engineering for JP Morgan Chase. Cause of death still pending, but changed to arterial problems.. Not reported in any newspaper.

On February 3, 2014 JP Morgan Executive Director ,Ryan Crane age 37 died at his home in Stamford Conn.. His speciality was algorithmic trading.

February 18, 2014  Dennis Li  in Hong Kong leaped to his death from a 30 story office building. JP Morgan occupies this building. The China Times called Li a Forex Trader for JP Morgan. No announcement by anyone as to any investigation.

March 12, 2014 Kenneth Bellando  in Manhattan age 28 was found dead outside of his six story building. He had previously worked for JP Morgan Chase as an analyst and was the brother of another JP Morgan employee  John Bellando was referenced in a Senate Investigation had hid losses and lied to investigators in London where depositor losses of $6.2 billion were unexplainable.

JM Morgan's peer banks, Citigroup, Bank of America, Gold,man Sacks, Morgan Stanley have not reported any suicides or mysterious deaths.. You have a JP Morgan profit center that revolves around taking life insurance policies on thousands of its workers which death benefits are paid the JP Morgan and not to their families. When young workers die, it can shorten by decades the premiums that the bank pays. Much information on this subject is taken from the publication Wall Street on Parade.

I cannot imagine having this many deaths many not reported, in just one bank around the world without major suspicions in many circles. Nothing is being done about this, further adding to my belief that this country is run by the large banking interests and large corporations. That is the definition of Fascism.

You have the major U.S. Banks and Wall Street in general  guilty of wrecking whatever they touch.Of committing many illegal acts without any prosecution. It is like vandals looting stores while the police watch. ( Does that sound familiar in Fergeson) And the public really does not know what is going on


To Continue with Problems

I have a problem that our country's entire legal system has become such a laughable item that each of us is guilty of committing many felonies per day according to Alan Dershowitz.

(There are so many new, crazy laws on the books) The President mentions bettering the criminal justice system when I believe it is not possible with the present people.

I have a problem with the further confiscating of wealth by ( soon) requiring all retirement accounts to buy U.S. Treasuries which will pay virtually nothing and will never keep up with the inflation rate.

I have a problem with our federal government wasting more money than anyone could do if they were on a narcotics or just stinking drunk. They would be better off than just paying everyone in cash directly. In other words, the waste is so huge.

I have a problem with this government contemplating just charging a 10% surcharge on everyone's wealth to solve the on-going cash problems.. We, again, have an income tax that is go regressive that your IRS is now chasing down every penny that it can find, even if that money is earned outside the United States.--thus making our  country the only developed land to have such a confiscatory tax system.   Till later

Source: Email from Victoria Baer - Letter From Robert 8/15/14

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