Friday, August 1, 2014

Global Warming Hoax in Georgia

Weather Channel Founder on Climate Change: It’s “a Fictional, Manufactured Crisis”
Do you think that the founder of The Weather Chan­nels might be an author­ity worth lis­ten­ing to when it comes to global warm­ing? It would cer­tainly seem to rea­son that a man who made a career out of study­ing the weather might be more of an author­ity than glob­al­ist Al Gore.
NextNews­Net­work pub­lished an inter­view with John Cole­man, founder and CEO of the Weather Chan­nel, back in March. I bumped into this yes­ter­day while read­ing The Daily Sheeple and had to share it.
Sci­ence” is all over on this debate. Global warm­ing has been largely debunked so now we have those talk­ing about global cool­ing or the catch all “cli­mate change.” Nev­er­the­less, there are many who won’t give up the lie about global warming.
Below is the descrip­tion and video from NNN fea­tur­ing John Cole­man.
Is Global Warm­ing really hap­pen­ing? There are many voices in oppo­si­tion to the the­ory and our guest today is just one of those. His name is John Cole­man, who was the orig­i­nal weather caster on “Good Morn­ing, Amer­ica.” After that Cole­man founded and served as CEO and Pres­i­dent of the Weather Channel.
In 2007, Cole­man began to speak out as a skep­tic on the issue of global warm­ing. He describes the wave of con­cern about global warm­ing “a fic­tional, man­u­fac­tured crisis.”
He believes many sci­en­tists and politi­cians have engaged in fraud­u­lent activ­ity based on bad sci­ence in a con­tin­u­ing quest for fund­ing. He also explains the one-world gov­ern­ment motive behind the for­ma­tion of the United Nations Inter­gov­ern­men­tal Panel on Cli­mate Change.
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Go to the Source URL and watch the video. The EPA just finished their meetings with the Georgia Public Service Commission and Georgia Power to wring their hands over the cost to consumers that would result from the new EPA Clean Air regulations.  These regulations are based on the global warming hoax.  European countries succumbed to this scam a decade ahead of the U.S. Their electric bills doubled and they stopped.  You have to ask why we haven’t stopped.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party

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