Monday, February 16, 2015

HAARP Weather Weapon Confirmed

Conspiracy Theorists Vindicated: HAARP Confirmed Weather-manipulation Tool, Posted on February 15, 2015 Written by
The most damn­ing asper­sion that can be lobbed against any per­son, or the expo­sure of “secret gov­ern­ment activ­ity,” over­whelm­ingly is “Con­spir­acy The­o­rist.” That pejo­ra­tive ‘han­dle’ is equated with imbe­cile mind-activity with asper­sions often sug­gested as ‘tin hat wear­ers’. Well, step aside all you doubters and lis­ten up care­fully to what took place in the halls of Con­gress on May 14, 2014 regard­ing the weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion sys­tem known as HAARP.
In the YouTube below Sen­a­tor Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) asks some pointed ques­tions about HAARP. How­ever, read­ers may not be sur­prised at the answers, but the main­stream media ought to be wip­ing oodles of egg yolk from its col­lec­tive face. Video:
In the report “Air Force Admits Weather Con­trol via HAARP and New Tech,” David Walker, Deputy Assis­tant Sec­re­tary of the Air Force for Sci­ence, Tech­nol­ogy and Engi­neer­ing, very-matter-of-factly states that they took over from the Navy and will be mov­ing on to man­ag­ing the ionos­phere, what the HAARP was really designed to do, to inject energy into the ionos­phere to be able to actu­ally con­trol it… [CJF empha­sis added]
Fur­ther­more, the U.S. Air Force intends to dis­man­tle the High Fre­quency Active Auro­ral Research Pro­gram (HAARP) in Gakona, Alaska, by or dur­ing the sum­mer of 2014! [1]
Built at a cost of more than $290 mil­lion, the site has 180 anten­nas on 30 acres that are used to direct energy into the ionos­phere, which is 55 miles to 370 miles above the Earth, and mon­i­tor changes in the flow of charged par­ti­cles. Stevens was the god­fa­ther of HAARP, which he helped start two decades ago with annual ear­marks slipped into the defense bud­get. [1]
It seems that no research facil­ity can be found to take over the HAARP Alaska facil­ity. Could that be an indi­ca­tion that the weather mod­i­fi­ca­tion sys­tem is regarded unfa­vor­ably? I find that as a pos­si­bil­ity and extremely inter­est­ing, espe­cially in view of all the tech­nol­ogy that was invested and built into it. If no one wants to con­tinue oper­at­ing HAARP, will the State of Alaska be inter­ested in it for edu­ca­tion research pur­poses? But then, maybe HAARP-at-sea-ships, i.e., the Tesla Weapon Plat­form SBX-1, prob­a­bly will be the most effec­tive ‘on-site’ HAARP facil­ity rather than one remotely sta­tion­ary on land.
How­ever, there are numer­ous HAARP facil­i­ties in other coun­tries around the globe that the Tesla Weapon Plat­form SBX-1 pos­si­bly could inter­act with. But then, we have to won­der what Assis­tant Sec­re­tary Walker was refer­ring to when he stated that they got out of HAARP Alaska what they wanted and were mov­ing on…moving on to what?
May 2nd, 2014, I pub­lished “What’s With the Weather and Chem­trails?” Read­ers may want to review in light of the lat­est “bomb­shell” acknowl­edge­ment by Walker at a Con­gres­sional hearing.
Con­spir­acy the­o­ries and the­o­rists truly have been vin­di­cated about HAARP. 
Know­ing the dogged research we, who are pro­claimed ‘tin hat the­o­rists’, per­form and cir­cu­late, this writer feels extremely con­fi­dent that other infor­ma­tion regarded as ‘con­spir­acy the­o­ries’ about vac­cines and other ‘sacred cow’ secrets also will be vin­di­cated at some forth­com­ing date—just when, who knows—since it all depends upon who has the integrity to stand up and tell the facts of what’s been going on that the U.S. media, press, TV, and con­trollers won’t per­mit be made pub­lic until it’s too late to get objec­tion going to stop the destruc­tion of the planet and humankind.
For those still inclined to deny the facts, here are TV weather per­sons talk­ing about, show­ing and admit­ting to weather geo­engi­neer­ing, plus dra­matic statements.
It’s grad­u­a­tion time, the­o­rists. Throw your tin hats into the air and let them fall wher­ever they may land. Hope­fully, they will land on some main­stream media jour­nal­ists’ heads so they can wear them and become empow­ered to tell the facts of what’s really going on.

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