Saturday, February 28, 2015

Junk Scientists

Climate Change Scientists Are Unqualified for Their Positions, Posted on February 28, 2015 Written by
In an effort to dupe more peo­ple into believ­ing the cli­mate change lie, the White House recently sent out invi­ta­tions to peo­ple, encour­ag­ing them to con­tact the President’s sci­ence adviser John Hol­dren with ques­tions about cli­mate change. What came as no sur­prise to me is the fact that Hol­dren has absolutely no back­ground in weather or cli­mate but is instead a staunch envi­ron­men­tal­ist whose pri­mary con­cern since the 1970’s has been curb­ing the world’s pop­u­la­tion to pro­tect the environment.
Like his cli­mate change com­rades at the UN, Hol­dren sim­ply is not qual­i­fied to answer anyone’s ques­tions regard­ing weather and climate.
Chris­tiana Figueres, who pre­sides over all cli­mate change orga­ni­za­tions at the UN, is totally unqual­i­fied for this posi­tion, as well. Figueres has absolutely no back­ground in weather, cli­mate, or any form of atmos­pheric physics edu­ca­tion. Instead, she holds a degree in economics.
The same goes for the Inter­gov­ern­men­tal Panel on Cli­mate Change (IPCC), which is staffed with highly edu­cated indi­vid­u­als whose back­grounds have noth­ing to do with weather or cli­mate and all to do with envi­ron­men­tal­ism. The IPCC chair­man, Rajen­dra K. Pachauri, has a PhD in engi­neer­ing and eco­nom­ics, noth­ing hav­ing to do with weather and climate.
The World Mete­o­ro­log­i­cal Orga­ni­za­tion who you would think would be made up entirely of mete­o­rol­o­gists is also com­pletely staffed with indi­vid­u­als hav­ing no back­ground in mete­o­rol­ogy. The WMO pres­i­dent David Grimes who on the sur­face appears to be a mete­o­rol­o­gist really isn’t at all, hav­ing only an hon­orary degree in mete­o­rol­ogy from the Uni­ver­sity of East Anglia, UK, which is basi­cally an envi­ron­men­tal organization.
With this in mind, we have a Pres­i­dent adding to his very impres­sive resume of lies in using some­one totally unqual­i­fied in mete­o­rol­ogy while try­ing to per­suade the pub­lic that the polit­i­cal agenda of cli­mate change is real.
A few weeks ago, a memo from the White House dis­cussed the sit­u­a­tion with those pesky cli­mate change deniers, which brings to mind the very label of a cli­mate change denier, which, in real­ity, is cli­mate change fac­tu­al­ist. This is because most of us who do not fall for the manip­u­lated data, dis­torted com­puter mod­els designed to show a spe­cific out­come, and tam­pered satel­lite ani­ma­tion show­ing melt­ing polar ice caps and glac­i­ers where there really isn’t any melt­ing going on at all…Are peo­ple con­cerned with facts, only exam­in­ing real mete­o­ro­log­i­cal and geo­phys­i­cal data and gen­uine cli­mate records.
Accord­ing to the UN cli­mate orga­ni­za­tions, every year since 2000 has been the hottest year on record. Of course, this assess­ment is arrived at through adding the entire earth’s tem­per­a­tures annu­ally and pre­sent­ing an over­all esti­mate, then delib­er­ately bumped up a bit. Not arrived at through actual tem­per­a­tures recorded through­out a spe­cific year.
In using real recorded tem­per­a­tures from actual mete­o­ro­log­i­cal sites from around the world since we became sci­en­tif­i­cally capa­ble, we find the hottest year remains 1934. The hottest decades remain in the 1930’s and the 1940’s.
What the UN cli­mate change orga­ni­za­tions neglect to tell us is the 1950’s had less ice at each pole than in any decade before or since.
The hard fact is cli­mate change doesn’t exist in the man­ner those pseudo cli­mate sci­en­tists want us to believe. In real­ity, cli­mates are con­stantly chang­ing over many years. It is a nat­ural occur­rence on a liv­ing planet. Oth­er­wise, if absolutely no changes ever hap­pened, earth would be a dead planet. Sim­i­lar to all liv­ing things, changes are a part of the life cycle.
The cli­mate change poster boy him­self, Al Gore, actu­ally showed us how much of a farce global warm­ing is by his pur­chase, fairly recently, of a multi-million dol­lar beach home in South­ern Cal­i­for­nia. Not the actions of a per­son who fears ris­ing sea levels.
In his quest to imple­ment eco­nomic degrad­ing cli­mate change pol­icy in Amer­ica, Pres­i­dent Obama has been try­ing to con­vince us of just how impor­tant it is to act by using exam­ples that are total lies. Both State of the Union addresses, in 2014 and 2015 Obama stated that we are expe­ri­enc­ing coastal flood­ing here in the US from ris­ing sea lev­els. This is a bla­tant lie that any­one should see since absolutely no flood­ing at any coastal area in the entire coun­try has taken place. Any flood­ing that has hap­pened was the result of storm surges or tsunamis, not an over­all rise in ocean levels.
The claim that CO2 lev­els must be reduced due to green­house effect is also a lie. The fact is CO2 lev­els in the whole atmos­phere of the planet only amount to 1% of 1% of the total vol­ume, and CH4 lev­els are even more minute than that.
The idea of renew­able energy sources such as wind and solar power as sources of replac­ing fos­sil fuel grid energy is noth­ing more than a fairy tale. The dead give­away that wind and solar elec­tric­ity sources are sim­ply exper­i­men­tal projects that actu­ally pro­duce hardly any elec­tric­ity is the fact that both sources need gov­ern­ment sub­si­dies to be able to operate.
In real­ity, the fact is wind and solar power sources have no prod­uct to sell, thus they make no money.
The whole idea of global warming/climate change has all to do with pol­i­tics and the finan­cial gain of those who have invested in the scheme, and noth­ing to do with ver­i­fi­able cli­mate and weather facts from real experts in the field.
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