Friday, February 13, 2015

Schools building Jail Cells

Perhaps you didn’t know… Schools across the country are literally building solitary confinement cells for children.
Posted on February 12, 2015 Written by
What is “nor­mal”? Is nor­malcy a con­di­tion of pub­lic accep­tance to com­mon trends & cul­ture? Per it’s def­i­n­i­tion, nor­mal is defined as con­form­ing to a stan­dard: usual, typ­i­cal or expected.
If you accept nor­malcy by that def­i­n­i­tion then…
–it is nor­mal for kids in our pub­lic school sys­tem to be locked in soli­tary con­fine­ment (4×4 padded cell) for misbehavior.
–it is nor­mal for each state across the nation to have tens of thou­sands of cases of stu­dents being phys­i­cally restrained. In some cases, even shack­led using hand and ankle cuffs.
–it is nor­mal for our police state to inter­vene with trou­ble­some kids with use of phys­i­cal beat­ings and pep­per spray.
Per­haps you didn’t know…
Schools across the coun­try are lit­er­ally build­ing soli­tary con­fine­ment cells for chil­dren. They are very small, some­times padded and have win­dow­less walls with no con­tact to other children.
The use of these “seclu­sion rooms” and other restraints are being deployed almost 270,000 times in a nor­mal school year across the nation!!!! In 163,000 of those cases, chil­dren were phys­i­cally restrained. In about 7,300 cases, mechan­i­cal restraints such as hand­cuffs, ankle shack­les or other devices are used. God knows how long kids are actu­ally kept in these cells?!
Take this one instance of a first grader who suf­fered wrist bruis­ing after he was hand­cuffed for run­ning away from school.
Or how about this instance where an autis­tic boy was afraid and refused to go into his “seclu­sion room” cell. The school offi­cials were so vio­lent with try­ing to get him into the cell that they smashed his hand in the door. His hand was sub­se­quently broken.
Or what about this school offi­cer that beats 13 year old stu­dents for ques­tion­ing where they were headed dur­ing class change? This offi­cer beat the chil­dren with her night stick and pep­per sprayed oth­ers. After the inci­dent,  the school said the inci­dent was han­dled appro­pri­ately… Fur­ther­more, while the one child who was beaten was bleed­ing pro­fusely from the head, the par­ents were not noti­fied by the school.
This is the new normal…You do not need the police to be in the police state. Other author­ity fig­ures such as school admin­is­tra­tion offi­cials, secu­rity guards, or even your own doc­tor (e.g. – vac­ci­na­tions or med­ical advice) are serv­ing to enforce the total­i­tar­ian state. Not only do we need to worry about phys­i­cal and psy­cho­log­i­cal abuse of our chil­dren at school, we also have to won­der what com­mon core is teach­ing them. With all these mon­stros­i­ties com­ing down on our chil­dren, it is no won­der that the num­ber of chil­dren home schooled between the year 2000 to 2012 has dou­bled! As par­ents, we must take a hard look at our schools, how they are being run, and the tac­tics they use. If it is as bad as these trends indi­cate, you might want to con­sider home school­ing for the well being of your child.
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