Saturday, February 14, 2015

Obama & the Brotherhood

Muslim extremists are close at hand. Feb 13, 2015
The White House now admits that there were closed meetings between the State Department and members of the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamic extremist group, just two days before that organization announced the
launch of a new phase of "jihad."
Now a member of the Brotherhood has disclosed that a White House representative was also in attendance, contrary to the administration's earlier statement. Please see my report below - Mat.
We can only imagine why the U.S. Department of State and a member of the White House staff met secretly with members of the Muslim Brotherhood, a designated foreign terrorist organization. The truth will certainly not come from the White House.
Indications are that the administration is now embarrassed, because just two days after that meeting, the Brotherhood launched a new season of jihad which they described like this... "It is incumbent upon everyone to be aware that we are in the process of a new phase, where we summon what is latent in our strength, where we recall the meanings of jihad and prepare ourselves, our wives, our sons, our daughters, and whoever marched on our path to a long, uncompromising jihad, and during this stage we ask for martyrdom."
The Muslim Brotherhood has greatly impacted the recent power grabs in Libya, Egypt, and other Middle Eastern countries. They are tightly aligned with terrorist organizations Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO).
The Washington Free Beacon broke the story of the White House meetings and cover-up, which angered and confused our Middle East allies fighting the Brotherhood.
Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shukri was quoted as saying, "[W]e do not understand that there will be such a communication with the elements involved in terrorist acts... The Brotherhood is not a political party, but a terrorist organization."
You may recall that President Obama invited Brotherhood leaders to the White House and endorsed their violent takeover in Egypt.  He called the "Arab Spring" uprisings in Egypt and other Middle East nations a "success."
Chalk another one up for the Obama administration's feckless foreign policy in the Middle East.
The Brotherhood has America in its crosshairs.
In September 2010, Muhammad Badi, the "Supreme Guide" of the international Muslim Brotherhood, called for a jihad by all "the Arab and Muslim peoples" against the United States of America - which they refer to as "The Great Satan."
Their chief strategy for conquest, called "civilization jihad,"
consists of infiltrating governments and affecting their foreign and domestic policies; introducing Sharia into the nation's laws; silencing Christian churches and other non-Islamic sects; and infiltrating the victim society with their own oppressive religion and culture.
Since 2008, Barack Obama has been welcoming Islamists into his administration and key leadership positions in government, some of whom are reportedly tied to the Muslim Brotherhood.
I believe we are just beginning to see the extent to which our federal government has been infiltrated by radical Islamic extremists.
We must call for congressional oversight and demand investigations from our elected officials!
Liberty Counsel Action is asking you and thousands of other friends to join us in sending an important message to key Members of Congress overseeing Homeland Security.
We are telling them to put political correctness aside! The enemies of freedom operating within our own borders must be confronted and exposed!
Liberty Counsel Action's Fax Barrage will send an immediate message to your two Georgia senators and representative, and to congressional leaders in the House and Senate Judiciary and Homeland Security Committees, calling on them to investigate and expose the jihadists infiltrating our government.
The rise of the Muslim Brotherhood is a clear and present danger to the United States.
The Brotherhood's stated five-part motto is: "Allah is our objective; the Qur'an is the Constitution; the Prophet is our leader; jihad is our way; death for the sake of Allah is our wish."
I believe every patriotic American would want to expose people and organizations that are determined to see that our nation falls from within!
Our government - national, state and local - MUST be purged of the radical influence of the Muslim Brotherhood and other jihadist Islamic organizations!

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