Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Close Public Schools

The gutter politics of sex education in public schools, Posted on May 11, 2015 Written by Kathy, by Judi McLeod, Edi­tor, Canada Free Press

Dick and Jane, who used to teach chil­dren to read from the 1930s through to the 1970s in the United States, are no more. Wiped out from life in edu­ca­tion, they’ve been tran­scended in class by the trans­gen­dered and other mem­bers of the LGBT ranks, who now become soci­etal firsts.

It’s a fast mov­ing world, one in which the ideal of send­ing chil­dren to learn ‘readin’, writin’ and ‘rith­matic’ in school has all but faded from the rearview mir­ror of pub­lic education.

It’s out with the old (think dinosaurs) and in with the new (tran­sex­u­als, etc.) in class­rooms where hard­line activism is more impor­tant than teach­ing in a polit­i­cally cor­rect edu­ca­tion sys­tem where all things sex­ual take prece­dence in the fine art of learning.

In the class­rooms of the present day, tran­nies trump any­thing being taught about God-blessed Chris­tian­ity; oral sex or anal sex as a sub­ject is get­ting to equal oral spelling and reading.

Doc­u­mented proof that pub­lic school stu­dents are reach­ing uni­ver­sity each year with­out being able to read or write, hid­den under the smoth­er­ing rug of pol­i­tics in the class­room, doesn’t seem to mat­ter any­more. The fight to edu­cate chil­dren has taken a back seat to the fight to advance the ranks of the LGBT.

Your Grade 6’er can’t spell the word ‘in-doc-trin-ation’ but can rhyme off all she’s taught in class about oral sex.

There must be thou­sands of frus­trated, respon­si­ble, good teach­ers out there, but the activist teach­ers gung-ho to advance the pol­i­tics of the LGBT move­ment are hav­ing their heyday.

Old-fashioned mum­mies and dad­dies who define mar­riage between one man and one woman will be looked upon as an embar­rass­ment as chil­dren in-training to some­day join the met­ro­sex­ual mil­len­nial soci­ety fol­low the lead of activist teachers.

Although the tranny flag flies high from the Amer­ica flag­pole, it’s being run up the flag­poles in Britain and Canada, and in any coun­try con­trolled by lib-left provin­cial, state and fed­eral governments.

“Board­ing schools in the UK have been told to adopt gen­der neu­tral uni­form poli­cies in order to avoid dis­crim­i­na­tion against les­bian, gay, bisex­ual and trans­gen­der (LGBT) pupils. (Huff­in­g­ton Post May 7, 2015)

“As part of a con­fer­ence on how to make schools more LGBT-friendly, Elly Barnes, a cam­paigner against homo­pho­bia in edu­ca­tion, urged teach­ers to become more famil­iar with the lan­guage of the gay and les­bian community.

“If it’s all right for a girl to wear trousers, why should a boy not be allowed to wear a skirt. We should be giv­ing them the option,” she said. “[Teach­ers] need the con­fi­dence to embrace the new lan­guage, I don’t think they’ll have used the words ‘les­bian’ or ‘gay’ in a class­room. It is putting those words in an easy context.

“LGBT bul­ly­ing is as impor­tant as sex­ist and racist bullying.

“If a pupil says ‘my pen’s run out, it’s so gay’, you should chal­lenge it. ‘My pen’s so Jew­ish, my pen’s so black’, you wouldn’t be allowed to say it.”

“Barnes, who is also an LGBT adviser with Birm­ing­ham City Coun­cil, told the Inde­pen­dent: “We can’t ignore one part of the peo­ple who are around us.

“There should be dis­plays on the walls cel­e­brat­ing dif­fer­ent fam­i­lies, that is a nice start. Some chil­dren have two mamas and some par­ents have two dad­dies — let’s have that rep­re­sented on the wall.”

“Recently, 100 teach­ers in South Glouces­ter­shire went to work wear­ing t-shirts with the word ‘gay’ embla­zoned on the front. The move was part of an ini­tia­tive to chal­lenge “casual con­ver­sa­tions about someone’s pen­cil case, train­ers or choice of hair­style being ‘gay’”.

Major over­hauls of non-discrimination poli­cies to include gen­der iden­tity hav­ing become all the rage in pub­lic edu­ca­tion have led to “gen­der neu­tral” wash­rooms in Amer­i­can schools.

“The U.S. Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion is demand­ing that the Fair­fax County Pub­lic Schools, in the Vir­ginia sub­urbs just out­side Wash­ing­ton, D.C., “revise their non-discrimination poli­cies to include gen­der iden­tity” or risk los­ing the fed­eral funds they receive for their schools. ( “The “nondis­crim­i­na­tion” would apply to trans­gen­der stu­dents and teachers.

“The Fair­fax County School Board is sched­uled to vote on the new pol­icy, a revi­sion of its exist­ing non-discrimination rule, Pol­icy 1450,on Thurs­day, May 7.

“The “Gen­der Iden­tity” or trans­gen­der pol­icy is explained in a May 6, 2015 memo issued by Steven A. Lockard, the deputy super­in­ten­dent of the Fair­fax County Pub­lic Schools.

“It states: “The Office of Civil Rights (OCR) of the U.S. Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion is requir­ing that school divi­sions 1) revise their non-discrimination poli­cies to include gen­der iden­tity, and 2) hire a con­sul­tant to advise on revi­sions to reg­u­la­tions and, more gen­er­ally how school divi­sions should han­dle indi­vid­ual cases of trans­gen­der stu­dents. If the School Board amends Pol­icy 1450, we will be able to tell them that have already done the two th­ings that OCR is requiring.”

“If FCPS refuses to amend its pol­icy, OCR has the right to rec­om­mend the ter­mi­na­tion of fed­eral fund­ing to FCPS,” reads the memo from Super­in­ten­dent Lockard. It then notes that the City of Alexan­dria Pub­lic Schools and the Arca­dia School Dis­trict in Cal­i­for­nia were inves­ti­gated by the OCR and had to enter into res­o­lu­tion agree­ments with the OCR over the trans­gen­der policy.

“Given those cases, Lockard states: “We see no rea­son to con­clude that OCR would treat FCPS any dif­fer­ently than it has Arca­dia or Alexan­dria in its require­ment to amend the dis­crim­i­na­tion pol­icy to include ‘gen­der identity.’”

“The May 6 memo presents sev­eral basic ques­tions and answers about the trans­gen­der policy.”

In the Province of Ontario, school chil­dren will return to school in Sep­tem­ber to a sex edu­ca­tion cur­ricu­lum that has out­raged their parents.

Incred­i­bly, it is thought that con­victed child pornog­ra­pher Ben­jamin Levin—former deputy edu­ca­tion min­is­ter for both Ontario and Man­i­toba and part of Ontario Pre­mier Kath­leen Wynne’s tran­si­tion team—was involved in devel­op­ing the sex-ed cur­ricu­lum which advo­cates the teach­ing of oral and anal sex to 10 and 11-year-old school children.

While indoc­tri­na­tion and obses­sion with sex rather than the 3 Rs has taken over the pub­lic school sys­tem, col­lege pro­fes­sors dis­crim­i­nate against Chris­tians and conservatives.

“A pro­fes­sor at Polk State Col­lege has allegedly failed a human­i­ties stu­dent after she refused to con­cede that Jesus is a “myth” or that Chris­tian­ity oppresses women dur­ing a series of manda­tory assign­ments at the Florida col­lege. (Cam­pus Reform May 5, 2015)

“Accord­ing to a press release from the Lib­erty Coun­sel, a non-profit pub­lic inter­est law firm, Human­i­ties Pro­fes­sor Lance “Lj” Rus­sumgave a stu­dent a “zero” on four sep­a­rate papers because the 16-year-old did not “con­form to his per­sonal world­views of Marx­ism, Athe­ism, Fem­i­nism, and homo­sex­u­al­ity.” The law firm has called for a full, pri­vate inves­ti­ga­tion of the pro­fes­sor and the course curriculum.

“In this age of grade infla­tion it is dif­fi­cult to earn a grade of zero much less four con­sec­u­tive zeros. Pro­fes­sors who do so are likely to be send­ing a message.”

“The course descrip­tion for the class, ” Intro­duc­tion to Human­i­ties,” claims that stu­dents “are under no oblig­a­tion to agree with class­mates, authors, or the instruc­tor, in fact, the instruc­tor will often occupy the space of ‘Devil’s Advo­cate’ for the pur­pose of lively discussion.”

“The point of this is not to ‘bash’ any reli­gion, we should NEVER favor one over another, they all come from the same source, HUMAN IMAGINATION and [sic] they demon­strate that human­ity is one,” a copy of Russum’s class out­line, rid­dled with gram­mat­i­cal errors, says.

“We have much to thank of [sic] humans like Michelan­gelo who took a sacred space, a tem­ple to god, and made it a HUMAN space, a space where human­ism can meet with god and dis­course,” one course assign­ment read. “Finally human­ity and the gods are on equal foot­ing and that is what the myths of Her­cules, Apollo and Jesus are all about—the divine becom­ing human and human being divine.”

“In her essay, the stu­dent, who Lib­erty Coun­sel iden­ti­fies as “G.L.,” argued that “it is a log­i­cal fal­lacy to make the assump­tion that Chris­t­ian humanism’s goal was to ‘blend mytholo­gies and make man the cen­ter’ sim­ply on account of Michelangelo’s art­work or because Renais­sance artists incor­po­rate classicism.” “The stu­dent appar­ently received a zero on that assignment.

“Another assign­ment allegedly required stu­dents to dis­cuss how “for­tu­nate” Mar­tin Luther was to be born in a his­tor­i­cal moment that allowed him to “chal­lenge the mythos of the power struc­ture of the church.” The assign­ment required stu­dents to write only about the human­ism of Luther and his reformation—and stu­dents were instructed in bolded text to keep the­ol­ogy out of the paper:

“WHAT YOU MUST NOT WRITE ABOUT: 1. This is NOT about Luther’s theology

“2. Any quotes from his ser­mons or writ­ings MUST be about human­ism and how the ref­or­ma­tion is in the right place and right time in his­tory NOT some divine prov­i­dence of the gods

“3. You must stay focused on the his­tory of the human­ism of Luther and his ref­or­ma­tion IF You turn this into a the­o­log­i­cal debate or divine prov­i­dence I will NOT read it and you will be given a zero.” “She failed that assign­ment as well.

“Another descrip­tion on the course out­line crit­i­cized Chris­tian­ity as one of the “most vio­lent forms of reli­gion the world has ever seen,” and bashed the reli­gion for its “dom­i­nance by pow­er­ful men.” The descrip­tion, sup­pos­edly for a class cen­tered on the role of reli­gion in the Mid­dle Ages, claims that today’s major reli­gions “STILL attempt to reg­u­late the bod­ies of women.”

“One assign­ment sup­pos­edly required stu­dents to argue why “did Chris­tian­ity, and its male gods, want to silence” a spe­cific group of nuns.

“SECOND, and this is VERY impor­tant, I DO NOT want you to write about how won­der­ful you think Chris­tian­ity is now because women can do A, B, or C. His­tory is his­tory and facts are facts and your opin­ion on if it is bet­ter now or not is irrel­e­vant for this dis­cus­sion,” the assign­ment, obtained by the Lib­erty Coun­sel, read. “This is a HISTORICAL dis­cus­sion about the mid­dle ages. If you really feel the need to express your opin­ion on how you think Chris­tian­ity is now for women you may email me, you may call my office or I would love for you to stop by for a nice cup of hot tea where we can talk about it but it does not belong in this assign­ment. The pieces your are [sic] read­ing a [sic] from some of the great­est expres­sions of mythol­ogy by women ever, the ques­tion is to honor that voice in that moment of his­tory. Christianity.”

“Accord­ing to the Lib­erty Coun­sel, Russum’s Face­book page—which appears to have been deleted or unlisted via the website’s pri­vacy settings—included pho­tos of Jesus mak­ing an obscene ges­ture, and his email sig­na­ture sup­pos­edly includes a quote from a Marxist.

“These, along with the inap­pro­pri­ate course con­tent, show that Pro­fes­sor Rus­sum is seek­ing to impose his own val­ues on stu­dents, in vio­la­tion of the Con­sti­tu­tion,” the press release states.

“In an email to G.L.‘s par­ents, obtained by Lib­erty Coun­sel, Dean of Aca­d­e­mic Affairs Don­ald Painter said that he had reviewed the mate­ri­als pre­sented in Russum’s Human­i­ties 2020 course and “believe[d] them to be appro­pri­ate.” Painter apol­o­gized that the stu­dent and her fam­ily found the course mate­ri­als to be “dis­taste­ful,” but said the mate­ri­als would not be modified.

“Painter, who did not respond to an emailed request for com­ment from Cam­pus Reform, reminded the student’s par­ents in the email that they had signed an agree­ment with her dual-enrollment that acknowl­edged they were aware that some course mate­r­ial may be devel­oped for “the adult stu­dent, age 18 or older.”

Is the obses­sion with gen­i­tals in pub­lic schools an out­growth of what Terry Abbott, a for­mer U.S. Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion chief of staff and CEO of Dri­veWest Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, calls the prob­lem of “cul­ture” in schools, where stu­dents, admin­is­tra­tors and teach­ers do not see a teacher hav­ing sex with an older teen as a crime? (San Gabriel Val­ley Tri­bune, March 28, 2015

” He used an exam­ple of a South Hills High art teacher who allegedly posted that the teens who had sex with teach­ers at that school should have kept their “stu­pid mouths shut and enjoyed it.”

If par­ents can’t res­cue their chil­dren from the indoc­tri­na­tion of pub­lic schools, we’re headed down a dead end road as the march of Marx­ism through West­ern soci­ety will never be interrupted.

Filed Under: Education

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