Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Unelected Governance in the US

UN Agenda 21 implementation requires a change from elective governance to appointed governance.  It’s modeled after the USSR. This form of governance is called a soviet.  Governments believe it would be easier to do whatever the hell they want to do without being bothered by having to “shepherd the will of the People”, as required in the US Constitution.  The global Marxist cabal had taken over funding US elections and were probably tired of donating $Billions to this charade. So, we are well on our way to “fundamentally transforming” the US into the USSA. Our Marxists hope to replace our US Constitution with the Newstates Constitution, if we are foolish enough to call for an Article V Convention of States.

Early examples of appointed governance came in 2000 in California and especially after 2008 with the Obama administration doubling down to jam through UN Agenda 21 “sustainable, smart growth” implementation. Despite being broke, the US was supposed to scrap its infrastructure and mal-invest $trillions in high-speed rail and transit villages like Europe. The purpose of this unnecessary spending is to bankrupt the US, so it can be replaced by the UN.

$Trillions of printed and borrowed dollars in Federal Grants to States replaced “earmarks” and set up a slush fund of “bribes” given to states to establish structural changes. 

In 2008, Georgia passed HB 1216, setting up Regional Commissions, appointed by the Governor to ruin rural counties.  These Commissions were set up to receive federal bribes and dole them out to counties and cities.  Municipalities were invited to apply for federal grants with requirements attached. 

In 2010 Georgia passed HB 277 setting up the T-SPLOST vote for 2012.  When the T-SPLOST failed, it left the Regional Commissions with no State funding for their Agenda 21 implementation projects.  If the project lists had made any sense and the T-SPLOST had passed, we would have been stuck with regional governance, but it failed.  So, unlike California, Georgia really hasn’t authorized regional authority.  Since 2012, Georgia has acted like elective governance is back in place.  But we won’t be safe from regionalism until HB 1216 and HB 277 are repealed.  Citizens in many Georgia counties have had to battle with their County Commissions over destructive actions they were planning in response to federal Agenda 21 plans and treasonous enabling Georgia laws.

Appointed governance arose again when Governor Deal removed DeKalb School Board Members and appointed replacements.  Those appointed have since been replaced by elected School Board Members again. 

Next in Georgia, Education Bills were passed to put the governor in charge of education.  This would result in schools without School Boards.  These Laws need to be replaced.

Finally, in Georgia, the governor established a Department of Community Supervision to consolidate several departments.  This would be appointed governance again.  The federal government pays bounties to State Child Protective Services to take children from their parents and adopt them out.  These cases won’t be heard by legitimate Courts.  So, we can expect more children to be destroyed in this process.  The law that established this Department needs to be replaced.

Appointed governance didn’t work well for the citizens of the USSR and it will not work well for the citizens of Georgia.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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