Despite the insidious attempts of the corporate-controlled
U.S. media to censor the stories about the deadly side effects of vaccines,
the truth keeps surfacing. The latest vaccine tragedy to strike has killed
two babies in La Pimienta, Mexico and sent 37 more to the hospital with serious
reactions to toxic vaccine additives. (Tweet this story)
“…14 children are in serious condition, 22 are stable
and one is in critical condition,” the Chiapas Health Secretariat said
in a statement via
What’s especially alarming is that only 52 children were vaccinated in all, meaning that 75% of
those receiving the vaccines are now either dead or hospitalized.
The vaccines were administered by the Mexican Social Security Institute,
known as IMSS. The IMSS confirmed the deadly reactions occurred after children
received injections of vaccines for tuberculosis, rotavirus and hepatitis
B — the same viral strains targeted by vaccines routinely administered to
children in the United States.
IMSS suspends vaccination pending further
According to Fox News Latino, the IMSS has suspended the
vaccines pending the outcome of an investigation into why so many children
have been killed and hospitalized.
According to the entire mainstream media in the United
States — which is 100% controlled by corporate interests — vaccines never
harm anyone and are perfectly safe to inject into children in unlimited
quantities. This dangerous, inhumane “Vaccine Injury Denialism” is rampant
across the corporate-controlled media, which contributes to the deaths of innocent
babies and children by refusing to acknowledge the truth that vaccines kill and injure children on a regular
Just recently, in fact, the UK government agreed to pay $90 million to victims of the swine
flu vaccine. That vaccine caused permanent brain damage to over 800
children across Europe. The truth is that vaccines regularly harm and even
kill innocent children, most likely because of the toxic chemical adjuvants
and preservatives they still contain.
As the CDC openly admits, vaccines are still intentionally formulated with mercury,
aluminum, MSG and formaldehyde.
Some vaccines even use ingredients derived from aborted human
fetal tissue. Last year, a CDC scientist blew the whistle on the CDC committing
scientific fraud to cover up links between vaccines
and autism in young African-American males.
Test run for depopulation via vaccines?
As globalists now fully realize, vaccines are by far the best way to cull the human population
because most people can be tricked into lining up and asking for them. Thus,
there’s no need to resort to all the difficulties used by the Nazis to commit
genocide in World War II, involving complex logistics of railroad cars,
gas chambers, construction of mass graves, prisoner tracking via IBM computing
technology, and so on. (Yes, Nazi genocide and prisoner tracking was powered
by early IBM computers. See IBM and the Holocaust, the strategic
alliance between Nazi Germany and America’s most powerful corporation…)
As the vaccine industry has now come to realize, it’s so much easier to kill people when
they voluntarily comply with the injections. Hence the aggressive
media propaganda push to achieve absolute blind obedience to vaccines so
that no one will ask questions when sterilization or euthanasia chemicals
are used. That’s no doubt why vaccines have been routinely tested for depopulation
programs via two primary methods:
# 1) Achieve covert sterilizations of targeted populations
by combining sterilization chemicals with vaccines. (The
“slow kill.”)
# 2) Directly kill vaccine recipients by intentionally
lacing vaccines with euthanasia chemicals that cause death. (The
“fast kill.”)
Method #1 has been repeatedly used throughout Africa, Mexico
and South America to inflict sterilization upon targeted groups via immunization
and vaccination programs. Just last year, in fact, I reported on the discovery of a covert depopulation
vaccine program being run in Kenya:
Tetanus vaccines given to millions
of young women in Kenya have been confirmed by laboratories to contain a
sterilization chemical that causes miscarriages, reports the Kenya
Catholic Doctors Association, a pro-vaccine organization.
A whopping 2.3 million young
girls and women are in the process of being given the vaccine, pushed by
UNICEF and the World Health Organization.
“We sent six samples from around
Kenya to laboratories in South Africa. They tested positive for the HCG
antigen,” Dr. Muhame Ngare of the Mercy Medical Centre in Nairobi told LifeSiteNews.
“They were all laced with HCG.”
Method #2 now appears to be under way in Mexico as 75% of
those children injected with vaccines are now either dead or hospitalized.
Vaccine-induced depopulation was attempted in Mexico
in 1974
As Truth Stream Media exhaustively documented, a depopulation
exercise was run in Mexico in 1974, using vaccines as the cover story.
The scheme was dreamed up after the release of the National
Security Study Memorandum 200 which highlighted the global population
problem and urged governments to find ways to reduce the global population.
As explains:
Concentration on this “problem”
of how to reduce the population was planned for 13 key countries, including
India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines,
Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia and Colombia. Of those, the document singled
out Mexico as having one of the highest (and therefore, most worrisome)
growth rates of all. The document read, “Perhaps the most significant population
trend from the viewpoint of the United States is the prospect that Mexico’s
population will increase from 50 million in 1970 to over 130 million by
the year 2000.”
To combat this problem, “medical spooks” — who were
almost certainly U.S.-funded depopulation vaccine crews — began injecting
women all across Mexico with anti-fertility drugs disguised as vaccines. If
you doubt this, read your history. The U.S. government’s National Institutes
of Health was caught red-handed running human medical
experiments on prisoners in Guatemala.
President Obama was even forced to publicly apologize in 2011 after the
cover-up collapsed! There is nothing the Nazis did in the 1930s and 40s that
the pharmaceutical industry wouldn’t be willing to repeat today under the
label of “science.”
But getting back to Mexico, as the covert depopulation
vaccination program spread across Mexico City in 1974, locals began to
catch on to the deception, and public resistance grew. As these newspaper
clippings reveal, parents began hiding their children in their own homes to
avoid them being injected with sterilization chemicals at the public
schools. (California, by the way, also targets children at schools in order
to avoid parents having the opportunity to say “No!”)
Mexico City – Associated Press
– Rumors that persons disguised as inoculation teams were giving school
children shots that sterilized them forced health authorities to suspend
all vaccination drives today and to post police outside Mexico City
schools. Thousands of parents stormed various schools in the Mexico City
area Tuesday and took their children home.
It’s also important to note that these sterilization vaccines
were being administered essentially at gunpoint, as police were accompanying
the vaccine crews:
Callers told newspapers and TV
stations that the sterilization crews were protected by police escorts and
that they included white-robed men and women “who looked like foreigners.”
This same scenario is now about to be replicated in California,
by the way, where SB 277
would criminalize parents of children who are not vaccinated, essentially
at gunpoint.
What’s even more interesting is that the exact same arguments
we hear today about vaccine skeptics — they’re punitively labeled
“anti-vaxxers” or “anti-science” — were also being used in Mexico in 1974. As
the following newspaper clipping shows:
The Mexican Medical Association
issued statements denying that any kind of inoculation could cause sterility…
Officials said superstition and ignorance of preventive health [i.e.
“anti-science”] were responsible for the widespread belief that the rumors
were true.
In other words, even though sterilization teams were running
around Mexico, injecting people with chemicals as part of a depopulation
agenda, any person who pointed this out was immediately labeled
“anti-science” and derided as “ignorant.”
Very little has changed in four decades, it seems: the same
tactic is still used today, even while children are being killed or injured
every single day due to the toxic ingredients used in vaccines.
CDC’s intelligence operatives caught running disinfo
The “science bullying” behind vaccines also allows governments
of the world to run sterilization and depopulation programs disguised
as public health. Once the population is bullied into accepting vaccines
without question — blind obedience is now demanded almost everywhere — governments
can add any chemicals they want to those vaccines, including chemicals
that cause permanent sterilization or even death.
The fact that all vaccine injuries are systematically
denied to exist also means that any person harmed or killed by vaccines is
immediately wiped from the national memory. Like a criminal mafia, the vaccine
industry works hard to hide the bodies
and thereby maintain its monopolistic racket on the utterly false premise
that vaccines are 100% safe. To further drive home this extraordinary medical
propaganda, the CDC uses intelligence operatives like Nurse Hickox who
spread disinfo through the mainstream media, which is always happy to comply
with the destructive agendas of the vaccine industry.
Nurse Kaci Hickox, who has made
headlines over the last few days by refusing to quarantine herself after
returning from the Ebola front lines in Africa, turns out to have been trained
as an “intelligence officer” under a two-year CDC program modeled after
the U.S. military.
As you can see from the document
below, Hickox graduated from a two-year CDC intelligence officer training
program in 2012. This is the same nurse whose LinkedIn
page was recently scrubbed to hide her ties to the CDC…
The official intelligence designation
granted to Nurse Hickox by the CDC was “Epidemic Intelligence Service Officer,”
and she is a graduate of the 2012 EIS program according to this CDC document
(PDF). (See page 138 – 139 for her name and photo, or view photo below.)
That same year, the CDC graduated
81 such “intelligence officers” whose names and photos are also listed in
the public document.
Bottom line? Don’t trust the vaccine industry
What’s the takeaway realization from all this? Vaccines
have been and will continue to be used as a cover for forced depopulation programs involving sterilization or
euthanasia chemicals.
Obedience to vaccines allows depopulation teams accompanied
by armed police to intimidate people into accepting any liquid they want
to put in a syringe. That liquid might be a vaccine, or it might be a sterilization
chemical or even a euthanasia chemical.
Any population that is indoctrinated into trusting the
vaccine industry — an industry steeped in repeated criminal activity combined
with a total disregard for human life — is ripe for being targeted for depopulation.
(See Nigeria Issues Arrest Warrants for Top
Pfizer Officials After Drug Experiments Conducted on Children.)
After all, why go through the trouble of building gas chambers
and rounding people up for mass extermination when you can achieve the
same result without any resistance at all if you simply label the chemicals
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