All of these were unconstitutional, but that
fact was ignored. The war of northern aggression in 1961 began the unraveling
of the Constitution, when legal secession by the South was met with Northern
blockades of Southern ports. The failure
of legislatures to restrict campaign contributions to allow only individual voters
to only make contributions to candidates who appear on their ballots. This
failure added systemic corruption to elective office.
Objections to violations of the Constitution
were shouted down and swept under the rug. This was the beginning of the end of
the Republic. It would no longer be the
land of the free, based on self-reliance with the family as the primary
economic unit. The federal government was expanding beyond its “enumerated
powers”. A “managed economy” would
replace a “free market economy”. Politicians felt free to promise and deliver
welfare programs based on the redistribution of wealth.
The American Communist Party published its
goals in 1920. By 1963, most of these goals had been achieved.
Government had taken over retirement, it
owned 1/3rd of the US landmass, government schools were established.
More unconstitutional federal departments, agencies and programs were
American Communists and their enablers have taken over
most of the US government.
We witnessed the failure of the USSR in the
1980s. Big government welfare states always run out of other peoples’
money. We are now witnessing the failure
of European Socialism as these governments run out of cash.
It is hard to imagine that we would put up
with having our free market economy replaced by a sure-to-fail National
Socialist federal government. Excessive immigration and excessive government
welfare have ruined these European countries and will ruin the US unless we
demand that government returns to the rule of law, free markets and government
limited to its enumerated powers.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader
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