Friday, August 7, 2015

Cash Flow Crash Ahead

You’re gonna need a bigger boat
Danielle DiMartino, a former adviser to the Dallas Federal Reserve Bank, recently put forth a shocking exposé on the looming debt crisis that should send shivers down your spine.
While watching the movie "Jaws"  as "the country was gripped from coast to coast with real-life shark hysteria,"  Ms. DiMartino noted Roy Scheider's character saying "You're gonna need a  bigger boat."
An image not lost on Ms.  DiMartino, who points out the surging debt is "the always menacing great white swimming in ever smaller circles closer and closer to our shores."
She notes how China's debt has  quadrupled to 282% of GDP, fueling the recent stock market crash that wiped out  30% of asset values in less than a month — with more devastation to come.
U.S. debt has surged past 233% of GDP as the Federal Reserve prints money with abandon, and Ms. DiMartino fears our reckoning day is right around the corner. A day when "WE" are going to need a bigger boat.
In fact, our research not only confirms Ms. DiMartino's fears, but it also shows in plain English how we are  now facing a problem that is ...15 times larger  than the dot-com bubble ...
4 times larger than the real estate bubble, and  ...107 times bigger than the bailouts of 2008 and that's precisely why we've put together a shocking new video that exposes America's cash flow trap.  And more importantly, what you can do about.  Click here now to see America's Cash Flow Crash
The shocking facts presented in this video have gone virtually unreported in the mainstream media.
But as more and more economists and analysts like Danielle DiMartino seek to get the word out, these facts are going to explode into the headlines worldwide. 
And you'll be glad you took a quick moment to get a jump on a catastrophic event that has already begun to destroy our financial system from the inside out — BEFORE this crisis hits!
A crisis that will permanently alter how you work ... how you save ... how you invest ... how you live in retirement ... and how you provide for your loved ones. Many American families will be driven into the nightmare of poverty, homelessness, and a grim dependence on government bureaucrats — the same leaders who got us into this.
And while the vast majority of Americans will suffer irreparable financial harm during the fallout, a select handful who take action now will use this crisis to build substantial wealth. We lay it all out for you in shocking detail in this FREE video.  But time is short.  We will only be able to keep this all-important video online for a limited time.
Uncommon Wisdom Daily Brad Hoppmann Publisher
Click this link to view it now.

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