Sunday, February 14, 2016

German Churches finally question Refugee Policy

Germany: ‘welcoming’ churches getting shaky over the migrant invasion, by Ann Corcoran 2/13/16

Invasion of Europe news….When do the numbers get so high that even the religious do-gooders start to worry?  I guess we are seeing their limit now after a million migrants have invaded Germany. How many is too many?

Amazing how those sex attacks on New Years Eve outside the famous Cathedral in Cologne have shifted public opinion in Germany.

Next time you get into an argument with an Open Borders ‘humanitarian’ here in America (or anywhere actually) ask them what is their limit.  What is the number that would be too many for even them?  I bet you get a deer-in-the-headlights look!  If they say there should be no limits and no borders you know you are dealing with an anarchist and not a humanitarian!

So now we are beginning to see the extent of the German “welcome.”  They are coming to their senses, but of course the big question is:  Is it too late?

We told you about the German Catholic Bishop (Marx) here recently, now the Lutherans are getting worried.

From Religion News Service: PARIS (RNS) Germany’s Christian churches, long the most positive voices greeting waves of Middle Eastern refugees pouring into the country in recent months, have begun to admit the need to limit the flow now that public opinion towards the newcomers has turned from welcoming to wary.

Catholic and Protestant church leaders fully backed Chancellor Angela Merkel’s original open-door policy announced on Sept. 4, framing it as wealthy Germany’s Christian duty to offer refuge to all Syrians and others fleeing civil war in their home countries.

They continued preaching this through Christmas and New Year, saying Germany could not set an upper limit to its hospitality, even though Merkel gave in to rising criticism and falling poll ratings in mid-December to say that she would “noticeably reduce the number of refugees.”

Then came the New Years Eve sex attacks. After a few weeks’ delay, the heads of both the Catholic and Protestant churches have shifted their focus and begun to speak about controlling the number of arrivals.

Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, Bavaria’s Lutheran bishop and head of the Evangelical Church in Germany, said it was “clear that we have to want” a reduction in refugees. He warned against debates about which immigration policy was more moral.

It is unclear to me what Bedford-Strohm means here about not debating the morality of immigration policy, but maybe he is getting at the idea of reality (German practicality!) trumping humanitarian zeal.

See our entire ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive here, and go here for much more on dear old Deutschland.


The US needs to follow suit and protest our church’s participation in the refugee scam.  We should cut our contributions and attribute this to our disapproval of our church being used as a Marxist tool to undermine US sovereignty.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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