Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Refugees bring poverty to Minnesota

Re-posted by Ann Corcoran on February 1, 2016

There is so much propaganda about how refugees bring economic boom times to communities (and since a reader reminded me about this old post), I am re-posting this information that dispels that myth. Please use this information as you become active in Election 2016!  If this is the case in Minnesota, it is probably the case where you live too! Use it in Wyoming and in Montana.

From May 2014:  Not too many words are necessary, the numbers say it all! When Congress first debated the bill that became the Refugee Act of 1980 (Senators Ted Kennedy and Joe Biden were key sponsors), the debate centered around the admonition that we should not be importing MORE poverty to America. 

Doesn’t take a genius to know that we are, but here is a handy graph of poverty rates among the foreign-born for Minnesota. Be sure to note that 12% of all Minnesotans are below the poverty line.

Foreign born below the poverty level by ancestry in Minnesota 2010-2012: Somolia 63%, Hmong 30%, Mexican 28%, Ethiopian 24%, Liberian 18%, Chinese 10%, Korean 8%, Indian 4% All foreign born 22%, All Minnesota residents below poverty 12%.

So much for the idea being peddled everywhere that immigrants bring economic boom times where ever they go!  More like Cloward and PivenHighest poverty rates for MN immigrants: 2 in 3 Somali, 1 in 3 Hmong, 1 in 3 Mexican http://pic.twitter.com/6WADnvHarG
By the way, we don’t bring refugees from China, India or Korea (some asylees but not direct resettlement).

New news!  Things continue to be hot in St. Cloud one of the primary resettlement sites for Somalis in Minnesota, go here to the Minneapolis Star Tribune about the latest from this past weekend. And this! Minnesota needs $$$ to keep next generation of Somali youths from joining ISIS. So remind me again!  What did we get out of this deal?

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