Monday, April 25, 2016

Bad Votes Matter

Every vote is important, because every vote is dangerous. 

US voters elected Obama twice, despite the suicidal spending, the lawlessness, the chaos and our continued economic decline.

Our elected officials have voted to create laws they are not authorized to pass. Our free press became apologists for this corruption. Our citizens couldn’t be bothered and failed to stop the corruption.   

The United States was formed to create a government that was supposed to reflect the “will of the people”. By ignoring the US Constitution, our elected officials have created a monster. 

Allowing special interests to contribute to political campaigns is the root cause of the corruption.  Campaign contributions should be restricted to only allow registered voters to make contributions to candidates who would appear on their ballots. Special interests can exercise their political voice on their own websites.

Government borrowing should be subject to voter approval.  It’s clear that elected officials are incapable of tempering their own spending of taxpayer funds. Government needs to be limited to the few priorities that only government can provide, like national defense and critical infrastructure, limited to highways, roads, bridges, water reservoirs, water treatment and water delivery.  All other things should be provided by the Private Sector.  Government loans, subsidies and grants need to be abolished.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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