Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Islam is a Scam

Islam is designed for 7th century barbarian hoards.  It’s a recruitment plan for guys who want to join large armies to invade their neighbors and impose their tyrannical rule. They offer opportunities to rape, pillage and brutalize their victims to establish their control over ever-expanding territories.  It is disguised as a religion and claims that God wants them to do this and He will reward them if they join.  Islam is preferred by tyrants; Hitler liked Islam’s tyrannical ways. Muslims were used to tyranny and brutality and were easily led by sociopaths. They rejected the notion of “free will” and humane treatment, so they brutalize their women and children claiming that it is god’s will.

Christianity offered ways to cope with ruthless, tyrannical occupying armies of thugs who are ruled by Sociopaths.  It was based on being good to each other and enduring government abuse. When Christians eventually converted the Romans, they endorsed the “just war” theory to keep barbarian hoards from destroying them.  Unfortunately, they didn’t keep their “Establishment” government from overspending and the whole thing collapsed.  Christianity supports the notion of “free will” as our greatest asset and our greatest liability.  It works and has stood the test of time.  Finding ways to cope with government abuse is as relevant today as it was 2000 years ago.

Both religions promote the rewards of an “afterlife” and that’s difficult to prove.  Most people choose to believe in an “afterlife”, because it is inconceivable to them to think there isn’t one. 

Other Eastern Religions offer lots of philosophy and exercises plus other phenomenon like Reincarnation and souls returning to human and animal hosts, so lots of these folks are vegetarians. Most of the work on Meditation came from Eastern religions, although prayer and meditation are common to most religions.  Ancient pagan religions in Egypt Greece and Rome had its own political objectives, but also promised an “afterlife”.

Religion is closely tied to culture. Ancestor-based Eastern religions stresses family and the continuing relationship with deceased family members.  Sets of values guiding moral behavior spring from all of the religions. Believers from each religion and culture can appreciate some, but not necessarily all of the beliefs of other religions and cultures. But generally, there is an acceptance and respect between them, except for Islam.

Islam is the only religion left standing that is intolerant of other religions as a tenant of the faith.  Islam is predatory and seeks to dominate and eradicate other religions. This fantasy that Muslims can succeed in multicultural enclaves is an evil hoax designed to destroy whatever non-Muslim country they invade. We may appreciate Islam’s insistence on modesty, but the rest is brutal and untenable.

I believe that the current forced integration of Muslims into Western countries is part of UN Agenda 21 implementation. In order to reform Western countries into compliant sheep, it is necessary to totally destroy these Western countries first. Imposing multiculturalism for Muslims is just one tool the UN cabal is using to advance their cause to create a one-world tyrannical government.  They want to reduce the global population from 8 billion to 500 million and they will need to kill most of us to accomplish this.  The question is, when will we realize this is true and what will we do to stop them?  They are using Islam as a weapon.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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