Sunday, April 24, 2016

Larry Savage for Cobb Commission Chair

With proven courage of holding Cobb County elected and unelected 'officials' accountable...Larry Savage is the choice you can trust.

I grew up in Atlanta, but chose to make Cobb County my home. I love Cobb County and have been actively and passionately involved in local government for many years to protect the quality of living and responsible government that attracted me here. Unfortunately, it has lost its way and the time has come for me to offer myself as a servant in the public arena. 
My hope is to bring common sense back to the forefront of several challenges we face as a county. I believe there are workable solutions that will enhance our local government’s effectiveness without creating a hardship for taxpayers. I would like to see Cobb County return to being a fiscally-conservative county that cares more about principles than politics and protecting every family’s hard-earned money rather than staying on this road of limitless spending on frivolous ‘wants’ and agendas that only serve the few. 

Cobb citizens deserve a responsible government and the freedom to choose whether we want to keep expanding high-density development -- or preserve precious green spaces, low taxes, and the suburban charm that made us want to settle down in Cobb.

It is my goal to see Cobb County once again setting the standard of limited, effective government -- rather than measuring up to the opposite in the metro region. 

About Larry

A local product, Larry grew up in Atlanta, making his home after college in DeKalb County. In 1976 he moved to Cobb where he has resided for almost 
40 years.
Larry has a degree in Mechanical Engineering and an MBA. A 40-year career in industry provided experience in every type of factory imaginable with heavy involvement within the auto industry.
He has worked in engineering, supervisory positions, management, sales and marketing, and sales management, including the successful turnaround of a failing business unit. Larry also owned and operated five successful small businesses.
Larry has travelled extensively, primarily through the United States, Mexico, Canada, Europe, and China.
A growing concern in local government and civic affairs led to Larry's run for the Cobb Chairman position in the special election of 2010 and again in the Primary Election in 2012. Larry has continued his civic duty to hold local government accountable while focusing his study on correcting the flaws in Cobb County government.
Larry's personal joys and special interests involve cars, motorcycles, and home improvement projects.

Why Larry?  Work Ethic, Dedication

Larry Savage has invested time and effort for six years to develop a total understanding of the Cobb County Government. It is unprecedented for anyone to undertake such an effort on his own. The result is a comprehensive view of County affairs through the eye of a critical thinker. Larry has an understanding of local government that exceeds that of most office holders.
Larry has attended hundreds of meetings. Larry has studied thousands of pages of documents: Agendas (long form), minutes, attachments, exhibits, Press releases, web sites, advertisements, Essentially anything published on local government
Larry has conducted outside research on topics relevant to local government: Books, Think tank seminars, Georgia Public Policy Foundation, Topical newsletters, Three newspapers each day, Alternative sources, not just the ones he agrees with, Tracks events throughout Metro Atlanta and elsewhere.

Supported by those who: Recognize that Cobb County has lost its way, Respect integrity, Want  to see problems resolved, Want solutions made permanent, Respect the traditions of Cobb County, Are concerned about the future.

Opposed by those who: Prefer the status quo, Oppose Larry because he opposed the Braves stadium financing, Think Larry wasted everyone’s time with his Ethics complaint, Aren't interested in the details.

Anyone but Tim Lee? Some say that the objective of the election is to simply remove the incumbent.

Larry disagrees, believing the objective is to: Establish good government that will last. Correct processes which allow unelected authorities to burden Cobb Citizens with taxes, without giving them a vote. Restore the rule of law and transparency in government. Elect someone who not only understands the issues from a historical and legal standpoint, but also from a common sense logical point of view. Implement responsible and sustainable solutions for the future of Cobb County.

Savage Commitment

Some say that Larry Savage has worked harder for the people of Cobb County than all five sitting Commissioners combined -- we agree. Larry will restore transparency, ethics of the office, and citizens' faith in our local government.


Q: If elected, what would be your two (2) top policy priorities and how would you work to achieve results?
A: 1. Restore public control over government debt as described in the Georgia Constitution. The Constitution mandates that debt by government must approved by voters in a referendum.  This and other limits on debt have been rendered meaningless by a series of court decisions concluding with the decision in Savage v. Georgia regarding the bond financing on a new stadium in Cobb County.
2.    Remove the shroud of secrecy maintained by the Development Authority of Cobb County and other Authorities regarding their business practices and decision making and require that they adhere to the law as written by the legislature. Also monitor the reporting requirements of the Government Accounting Standards Board.  Review suitability of current Board members for potential conflicts of interest.


Q: Where do you stand on building the stadium for the Braves?

A: The Georgia Constitution has several provisions that protect taxpayers from debt by government, including a specific requirement for voting in a referendum to approve incurring debt. Cobb County chose to engage a clever attorney to find a way to get around all these limitations that had been in the Constitution for decades.  Cobb County also, in my opinion, ignored existing state law in creating "Special Districts" and new taxes to raise revenue from areas around the stadium, supposedly to fund the deal.
We now have almost $400 million in bond debt to repay over the next 30 years and this obligation falls solely and exclusively on Cobb County property owners and taxpayers. The bond documents specify that Cobb County's power to tax ALL the property in Cobb County is the "Security" behind the bonds.
Cobb County has since issued another $10 million in bond debt to "redevelop" South Cobb, also a debt of Cobb taxpayers and also with NO referendum.  They are using the same "Special District" approach to hit certain property owners with new, made-up taxes, including another $3/night charge on all hotels and motels in the county.
I made two formal complaints to the Cobb County Board of Ethics on specific issues of ethics violations but the Ethics Board took no action.
I intervened in court against validation of the bonds because they were not issued in accordance with the law. Cobb Superior Court ruled in favor of the County. I appealed to the Georgia Supreme Court and argued the case before the Supreme Court. That Court issued a 42 page ruling in favor of the County based largely on a precedent case from 1952 in which bond financing was used to pay for new schools. I've written letters to editors, to Commissioners, and to any other party I could think of seeking answers to obvious questions, to no avail. We now are living with the danger that the Board of Commissioners have a template they can follow to issue bonds at any time for any reason and spend the money on anything they want. This needs to be fixed and the only way it will get fixed is if I get elected.


In my ethics complaint, I charged that all commissioners failed their duty to taxpayers to properly evaluate the Braves deal and that they failed to hire competent advisors.

The County Attorney, representing the Commissioners, included her own signed affidavits swearing that they had used the services of a financial advisor and the law firm Seyfarth Shaw.

Later, I made an Open Records request that included all correspondence and contracts with Seyfarth Shaw. The first document I opened was a proposal for engaging Seyfarth Shaw by the County, including rates and terms. That letter was dated after the stadium announcement, indicating Seyfarth Shaw had not been engaged prior to that.  It was later revealed that Dan McRae had been working off the books in secret. There was also correspondence between McRae and the Braves and others, sometimes not even including anyone with the County.

Dan McRae missed out on the fees for the stadium bonds, but in 2015 he got several hundred million dollars in bond business from the Development Authority for a series of major projects, most of which did not meet the requirements of state law for Development Authority financing and related tax abatement.


The Development Authority of Cobb County (DACC) has been taken over by the Chamber of Commerce and has the power to authorize tax abatement for developers of new projects. 

These tax benefits are now being granted to virtually all new developments, including many that do not meet the criteria outlined in state law. The Cobb Board of Commissioners are aware of this but decline to take action to require the DACC to follow the law.
The generosity of the DACC in 2015 alone will cost the county about $10 million in lost revenue in coming years and will cost the Cobb School District about $20 million (my estimates).


I met Larry Savage through the Georgia Transportation Leadership Coalition in 2012.  We were studying the T-SPLOST ballot initiative that proposed to spend $18 billion on Regional “transportation projects” using a 1% Regional Sales Tax. The projects they selected were disjointed and overpriced and we rejected paying property taxes to unelected Regional Commission boondoggles. We defeated this at the ballot box by 66% in 9 of 12 Regions. Larry was an invaluable adviser to this group.

I’ve followed the lawlessness in Cobb and consider Cobb to be the “Poster Child” for voter abuse in Georgia.  I urge Cobb voters to elect Larry Savage to return Cobb to voter control.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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