Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The Next Depression

Things have changed since the 1st Great Depression.  It started with a stock market bubble crash in 1929 and it lasted until 1939.  New jobs came in 1939 when the US went into “war production” mode to supply the allies with war equipment.  Those with cash were able to buy hard assets at much lower prices.  The drought periods in 1934 and 1936 caused the dust bowl and farm crops failed.  So, we had high unemployment, food shortages and no investment capital. Families and neighbors helped each other through this depression. This time is different. 

This time we have high government spending and debt, no manufacturing jobs and excessive immigration. We have tons of subsidies, welfare, food stamps and a National Socialist government.  Our elected officials have refused to lower spending and stop immigration and will be replaced by the voters for this failure.

The US and other Governments with debt equal to its GDP will hold down wages artificially to keep interest rates down.  They are used to a managed economy and are clueless about how well free markets would work (without them). 

Our transition requires that free market outsiders take over government and communicate a plan to lower government spending and debt and restore freedom and the rule of law to allow the free market to expand, while making sure that nobody starves to death.

The tricky part is removing the Big Money Puppet Masters from political control of our government and getting elected officials to work for the voters. We need to remove the corruption, subsidies and grants (bribes) and remove bailouts for gambling bankers. A Trump win would accomplish this.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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