Saturday, May 28, 2016

Stop Hillary

Fox News Judge Pirro Issues Desperate Plea to the American Public

Make no mistake. As Americans. we all have a duty.
If the FBI and Obama won’t do it, we must. We must do everything within out power to stop Hillary Clinton.

The ending of Hillary Clinton’s bid for President of the United States of America is a very serious issue that goes far beyond politics and or a voters allegiance to any particular political parties candidates.

The issue is very clear, and promulgates the question; can we justify allowing a criminal, any criminal, to step in to the White House as President, giving him or her full authority to run our country?

Hillary Clinton is a criminal. To stand idly by and do nothing about our establishment and its law enforcement, i.e. the FBI and US Department of Justice departments, refusal to prosecute Crooked Hillary Clinton, is an acceptance of allowing a criminal to run our country.

Judge Pirro raises a great point asking the question, how can a candidate under criminal investigation, who is clearly going to be awarded the Democratic parties presidential nominee for 2016, continue on her path to be elected as the next president of the United States of America?

“Hillary Clinton cannot be President. If the establishment including law enforcement does not stop her, you have to!” said Pirro in her recent video plea to the American public to stop Crooked Hillary from becoming our next President.

In consideration of the criminal track records of both Bill and Hillary Clinton, clearly proving their obvious disregard for our nations laws, no one in their right mind could ever accept Hillary Clinton as our next President. Something tells me Donald Trump hears Judge Pirro’s message load and clear.

You can rest assured Trump will do everything in his power to stop Hillary. No other GOP candidate would have been willing to expose Hillary’s corruption and crimes. Trump will.
Will you join him in making sure Hillary is never elected to another office?

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