Sunday, May 29, 2016

UK vote on EU

The UK is voting whether or not to quit the ET on June 23, 2016.  British voters have had enough being dictated to by the EU and UN and want to return to the rule of law and elective governance.  Currently their laws come from the EU and UN. 

Frankly, it’s a little late for the UK voters to try to save themselves.  The UK is a total socialist mess and has already been ruined by the Muslim invasion.
The two sides in this vote are the voters who need their freedom and the corporations who want their convenience.

UK GDP is $2.849 trillion. 1.8326 trillion pounds 

United_Kingdom Population 64.3 million, Land Mass 93,638 sq. mi.

Government spending is 753.9 billion pounds.   153.3 Pensions, 137.9 Healthcare, 110.5 Welfare, 89.4 Education, 45.1 Defense.

The US is much larger and more able to “rattle” the global cabal. US GDP is $16 trillion.  Population is 320 million.  Land Mass 3.8 million sq. mi.

Government spending $6.41 trillion.  Federal $3.69 trillion, State $1.58 trillion. Local $1.77 trillion.  $1.3 trillion Pensions, $1.5 trillion Healthcare, $1 trillion Education, $.8 trillion Defense, $.5 trillion Welfare

The US is much larger than the UK and is much more capable of restoring a self-sustaining domestic economy on its own.  We are also more able to replace welfare with jobs, but these jobs need to go to Americans.

In November, the US will elect a new President.  The two sides here are the American voters and the American Communist Party. The globalist corporations side with the Marxists for convenience.

Frankly, it’s not too late for the US to back away from the socialist downward spiral and it could “rattle” the corporations to make a choice between the US and a foreign adventure ending in bankruptcy. 

Frankly, I wouldn’t mind if the globalist corporations moved, although I think the reduction in corporate tax from 35% to 15% will allow them to stay.  If they did leave, it would give real Americans a chance to run their replacements.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader 

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