Thursday, May 26, 2016

Trump begins beating Clinton in the Polls

Never Trump Movement Wilts As Trump Overtakes Hillary in Polls

Everyone who predicted – for months – the defeat of Donald Trump by Hillary Clinton based on old polling data that showed Hillary ahead must be ready to give up right about now. Because the new Rasmussen poll has Trump leading Hillary by a significant 5 percent. 

Rasmussen reports that,Trump earns 42% support to Clinton’s 37% when Likely U.S. Voters are asked whom they would vote for if the presidential election were held today.

…At the beginning of this month, Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, posted a statistically insignificant 41% to 39% lead over Clinton who is still expected to win the Democratic presidential nomination.

…Trump now gets 76% of the Republican vote, while Clinton has 72% Democratic support. Thirteen percent (13%) of Democrats prefer Trump, while nine percent (9%) of GOP voters favor Clinton. Among voters not affiliated with either major party, Trump leads 41% to 28%, but 31% of these voters either like another candidate or are undecided.

…While there is much talk of a gender gap in this race, Clinton appears to have a bigger problem with men than Trump does with women. Trump leads by 22 points among men, compared to Clinton’s 11-point advantage among women.

So, not only does Trump have the support of the majority of Republican voters, his negatives are lower than Hillary’s. There are even enough Bernie supporters pledging to vote for Trump if Hillary gets the nomination that she should be concerned.

A Fox News poll just released also shows Trump leading Clinton, 45 to 42.

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