Saturday, January 20, 2018

Fighting Poverty

We all need to be self-supporting. If we are totally disabled and unable to be self-supporting, we are dependent on our families to help us.  Being self-supporting means we can pay our bills. If our paychecks can’t cover our bills, we are in trouble.  We either have to increase our income or reduce our spending.  This law of economics applies to all individuals, but apparently does not apply to governments.

There are many “one-liner” sayings that have been added to our cultural landscape aimed at reversing poverty.

My favorite is: “Ignorance is trainable, but stupid is forever.” Ignorance is a lack of knowledge.  Stupid comes in two flavors, the first is low IQ and the inability to understand things and the second is bad judgment.

My other favorite is: “Poor people have poor ways.” This refers to conditions where the poor could improve their lives, but they don’t. It is more about “self-defeating behaviors”.

Jesus said: “The poor will always be with you”. He was referring to your children. Remember: “Charity begins at home”.

I can sum this up with “shit happens”. We are all subject to ups and downs. We all need to save during the up times, so we can survive during the down times.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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