Thursday, January 18, 2018

Free Political Speech for Churches

In 2017, Trump ended the “Johnson Amendment” that restricted political speech from the pulpit of US churches. He did it with an Executive Order to Treasury to “not enforce” that part of the IRS Code. The Johnson Amendment was an amendment to IRS Code Section 501c3 that banned non-profits from engaging in partisan political activities. Unless the Code is actually corrected by the Congress, the ban will be subject to change back when Trump leaves office.

But there is no evidence that churches have taken advantage of this restoration of their free speech.

Many churches have members who are split between being Conservative and Liberal and Pastors don’t want to offend anyone, so they stick to their doctrine and stay away from other topics.

Before the 1960s, churches were much more conservative in their leanings and religion played a major role in the popular culture in the US in movies, radio and TV.

Everson v. Board of Education330 U.S. 1 (1947) was a landmark decision of the United States Supreme Court which applied the Establishment Clause in the country's Bill of Rights to State law. Prior to this decision the First Amendment words, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" imposed limits only on the federal government, while many states continued to grant certain religious denominations legislative or effective privileges.

The Everson decision was a misinterpretation of the Constitution and was an act of sabotage and marked the beginning of the US war on Christianity. The US Congress has failed to correct this error since 1947.

Karl Marx said ‘religion is the opium of the people” and the Soviet Union banned religion in 1918.

After the devastation of World War I and World War II, Europe seemed to abandon its churches.

There is little support globally for religion and the churches all seem to take actions that reflect their lack of usefulness and accelerate their decline.

To become useful, churches need to return to “Applied Christianity”, where they describe how to live a Christian life in the world we have today. Churches need to help members in all decisions they make and only endorse things that are true, like the laws of economics and the family as the valid unit of society and fact-based history. Matthew 7 15:20 says we will know false prophets by the fruit they produce. It’s time for churches to begin to identify popular culture themes that are false and dangerous.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

1 comment:

Priscilla King said...

Loud AMEN! from the choir.