Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Global Trade

Global Trade is not a new thing. Trade between tribes and clans occurred in pre-history. The 5000 year old mummy found in the Alps was trading hand-made tools between clans. Global trade surged in the 1400s by sending ocean-going ships to every continent.

The global trade we did in the US in 1945 was largely exporting US manufactured products to the rest of the world if they had money. The establishment of the European Common Market in 1950 was Europe’s response to the need to grow their own economies. These countries, in the 1960s, mostly in Europe began demanding that we manufacture the US products we sold in their countries. They set up a series of laws to allow US imports with these conditions.

In 1992, UN Agenda 21 was published and disclosed the plan to form a One-world government under the UN. It was ignored by the media and our politicians. But UN Agenda 21 was hiding in plain sight. You could download it from the internet.

The “Globalism” scam began with corporations promoting “world-class manufacturing” and “diversity” in the 1990s. The American Electronics Association was abolished and replaced with a “global” electronics group. The “open borders” and “multicultural” movements were invented to promote what was to be the Muslim reinvasion of Europe and the US and all developed countries who would receive “refugees” justified with demographic data suggesting that we needed workers.

Trade between countries has historically been regional and reciprocal. Proximity is important when the products require freshness like agricultural products. It’s like “I’ll buy your wine if you buy my wheat. Businesses have worked out their own import/ export deals with neighboring countries for centuries.

Companies are generally free to buy from vendors everywhere, especially if the material they need is limited to countries capable of providing the material. Some of the wood needed to build an acoustic guitar comes from Africa. Some minerals are only found in a few countries.

We can reverse globalism’s end to democracy and restore it by re-establishing national sovereignty and we have no other good choices. The resurgence of the US economy has already increased global trade. This is not a zero-sum game.

We are all competitors. The US is now exporting liquid natural gas, competing with all the other countries who produce and can export their natural gas. We will eventually become a net exporter of oil. The new lower US corporate tax rates will allow companies to return manufacturing to the US. All of this puts pressure on those countries who produce oil and gas and will give them the incentive to improve.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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