Friday, August 31, 2018

Ross Perot Was Right

In the 1992 Presidential race we had 3 candidates: George HW Bush was the Republican, Bill Clinton was the Democrat and Ross Perot was the Independent.

I voted for Ross Perot. He was the only candidate that identified the problems NAFTA would bring.  He described the plan to off-shore US manufacturing as the “great sucking sound” of jobs leaving. He also warned that the decimation of the US economy would result in unsustainable government debt.  He was correct on both counts.

Ross Perot got 19% of the vote, George HW Bush got 37% and Bill Clinton got 43%. If Perot had not entered the race, it is likely that Bush would have won this election to serve a second term, but that was not to be. 

UN Agenda 21 was the “elephant in the room” in 1992 that nobody talked about, except to say it was “harmless” and that was a big lie.  We were headed for a 500% increase in our electric bills, permanent open borders and a total loss of sovereignty.

Perot was pitted against globalist forces that supported Clinton after Perot entered the race. After the Clinton victory, the bandwagon for NAFTA was loaded with corporate forces that ensured that Congress would “go along” with NAFTA. The arguments for NAFTA were vapid.

We were told we were entering the “Information Age”.  What they didn’t admit was that the information wasn’t good.  We knew we couldn’t have an economy without manufacturing, but nobody talked about that.  By 2000, US corporations were moving plants overseas and more would follow until all we had left was minimum wage jobs and all of these jobs went to illegal migrants.

In 2010, the Tea Party arose to challenge the economy-killing policies. We tracked the excessive immigration and the labor participation rate and raised hell about UN Agenda 21. The US media and politicians ignored and attacked us, but by doing so, they identified themselves as part of the Deep State.

Finally, Donald Trump arrived on the scene for the 2016 Republican Presidential Primary. He was the only candidate prepared to address the problems Perot warned us about. He also addressed the problems the 10,000 independent Tea Parties were identifying.
Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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