Tuesday, August 21, 2018

What Should I Learn

The best education is self-education. This happens when you have a question and look up the answer. Formal education has evolved from tutoring, which was helpful, to lecture, which is less helpful. As this evolved, students became less responsible for their own education. In the 1800s, books were available and students read them. There was no TV, no Radio and no Internet, just books. With tutors, students could ask questions and get answers one-on-one. Now with the internet, students can do the same thing.

The problem with education today is that teachers answer questions students don’t care about.  Students are taught not to interrupt teachers, because teachers are forced to keep to the pre-approved curriculum.  This “one-size-fits-all” education model fails all students who are “below average”. This has also become an “indoctrination model” and is currently being abused as a “political indoctrination strategy”. In the US this strategy is aimed at destroying the US Constitution.

Students only need to learn what they will need to use to function. They have to work and pay their bills. For topics that might be fun to know, students need to choose these for themselves and use the internet to find the answers.

Homeschooling is the perfect method for learning, because it covers the basics and allows students to customize their electives.  It does this with no tax dollars and students perform a year or two ahead of their age group. Homeschoolers are more likely to identify their motivated abilities early and get a head start on learning what they love to do.

You can learn skills as they relate to venues.

Skills: Competence, Energy Level, Mission, Persistence, Attitude, Need to Contribute, Judgment, Common Sense, Worldview, Knowhow, Street Smarts, Knowledge, Focus, Motivated Abilities, Resilience, Honesty, Integrity,

Venues: Health Maintenance, House Maintenance, Work Relationships, Work Opportunity.

Competence is being good at what you do. The goal is to be able to do as many things as possible that you need doing. You should be able to do your own taxes, balance your own checkbook and manage your money.

Energy Level is needed to accomplish the things you need to do. You should pick your work and lifestyle to be compatible with your stamina.

Mission is what you believe you are called to do. This is a great motivator that can impact energy level and focus.

Persistence is needed to succeed and recover from set-backs. If you have the right mission, you need to not give up.

Attitude is needed to show regard for others. If you show others you are there to help, they will accept you as a valued member of the team.

Need to Contribute should be part of your makeup. If this is missing, check to see if your mission is correct.

Judgment is needed to choose things that are in your best interest. It requires honesty, skepticism and a correct worldview.

Common Sense is needed to determine what is true and what is false. If it sounds too good to be true, it’s probably a scam.

Worldview must be fact-based and formed from your own experience. This involves what you believe about human history and your own observations.

Knowhow is needed to master your tasks. You should know how to do the things you need to do and do them well.

Street Smarts are needed to be skeptical of what is false. Don’t be gullible.

Knowledge is needed in all areas you have responsibility for. Be sure to gain the knowledge you need to function. Anything you learn beyond that should be based on your natural curiosity.

Focus is needed to stick to priorities and avoid wasting time. You have enough to do just managing yourself and helping those you’re closest to. Wasting time is not an option.

Motivated abilities need to be identified and acted upon. It is imperative to do what you love to do and are good at.

Resilience is needed to bounce back from failure. You need the ability to “shake off” failures and learn from them, so you don’t repeat these failures again.

Honesty is needed to know what is true. You need to be honest with yourself and with others to act in your best interest.

Integrity is needed to be believed. If you are honest, people will know this and will want to work with you.

Health maintenance is a personal responsibility. You need to understand nutrition and ensure that you are getting the vitamins and minerals you need to avoid overeating due to deficiencies. Get tested for this.

House maintenance is an opportunity to learn how to do things for yourself. It’s fun and interesting.

Work relationships are needed to function in a team. You need to be a positive contributor.

Work opportunity is a basic human need. Occupational expertise is a blessing you give to yourself.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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