Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Cable News Reset

You would think that cable news could eventually leave its “reality TV” programming format and return to just reporting the news, but that is not likely to happen.  It’s not that there isn’t useful news to report, it’s just that they don’t want to report it.  We are still in the middle of the Bolshevik Revolution in the US with Karl Marx on one side and Adam Smith on the other side.

Cable News has dealt with fantasies in their version of “reality TV” for so long, they’ve forgotten what useful news looks like. News is 95% political talking points and no useful information. Fox News has a wide-open opportunity to push for political and government reform, but it’s not clear they will be allowed to go on the offense.

Now that the Mueller Report is out and we know that President Trump never “colluded” with the Russians to defeat Hillary, the cable news channels are all just twitching like an epileptic who had just had a seizure.

The Dems had already planned their next move, which is to continue their harangue in the US House to trash Trump over “possible obstruction”.  If they get to read the Muller Report, they will extract the “possible obstruction case” discussed in the Report, but not the evidence of “no obstruction in the Report.

This should provide the background music to the Dem‘s crescendo offering “free stuff” for the 2020 election.

The “Deep State” should take some hits, but it will take time to “drain the swamp”. There is a strong case for returning the US Constitution to its original intent, but lots of Supreme Court opinions would need to be reversed. All of this takes time.

It is possible that Democrats could face the consequences of their misbehavior, particularly as this relates to Hillary’s crimes.  It is possible that Republicans could solve the serious problems, like Immigration Law and Border Control, but not until they return the US House back to Republican control.

Trump was correct in selecting the restoration of the US economy and the return of manufacturing, but the corruption in all levels of government will require removing “big money” from the political scene. Trump will continue to appoint originalist judges, try to find conservative appointees and work on the economy between now and 2020.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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