Saturday, March 30, 2019

Socialism is the Problem

Our standard of living requires political stability, small limited government, a large private sector, the rule of law, absence of corruption, individual property rights, investment capital, resources, freedom, a free market economy and individual productivity operating in a meritocracy.

Globally, we have more affluent citizens in large cities and more poverty in rural areas, particularly in poor countries. Only 60 countries have poverty rates under 20%. Only 50 countries have a per capita GDP over $17,500. But 121 countries report a per capita GDP below $17,500.

In the US socialists and small government free market fans are split 50-50. But the socialists took over the US education system 40 years ago, so many of our young people have been trained to be socialists. We elected Trump in 2016 to restore our economy and this is happening.  The 2020 election will determine whether or not we continue to restore our economy and remove our government corruption. We have a 2 party system and expect a Trump victory in 2020. The US has been rotting from within because our politicians have been voting for socialist policies and we need to “drain the swamp” to restore the US Constitution (as originally written).

In Europe socialists have ruled for 40 years but citizens are not happy with their EU policies and standard of living. Europe once led the planet in developing capitalism, but they have forgotten their history. They were seduced by their governments to accept more “security” and less “freedom”. Europe has a multi-party political system with socialist parties in the majority.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader  

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