Sunday, March 31, 2019

Science and God

Dr. John Lennox video covers science and God. Science and God are not at odds. Socrates asked questions and that motivated Dr. Lennox to learn all views. He sought to see how Math fits in Science. Then sought to see how the Laws of Nature fit into big issues of existence.

CS Lewis focused on how Science fits. He understood what Newton and Galileo knew. They sought to know the laws of nature, because nature gives us an understanding of the “Law Giver”.  We rely on reason to understand what is true and Atheism isn’t true and rejects rational thought.

Einstein said the universe was comprehensible. He saw how well mathematics works within the Laws of Nature. Belief in God as the Creator and Law Giver is strengthened as we better understand math and science.


In Science, a theory doesn’t become a law until it is continually and completely verified through experimentation. Theories like evolution and climate change do not meet the test.

Liberal Marxists have advanced fake science for political purposes.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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