Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Welfare Migrant Cost

Report Finds Taxpayers Forced to Cover $45 Million in Healthcare Costs for Illegals Caught at Border

Washington Democrats have refused to get the border crisis under control by fully funding the Department of Homeland Security and building the much-needed wall.

Their misinformation has ranged from claims that the physical barrier is not needed to spending taxpayer money would be fiscally irresponsible.

In this news video, facts emerge that the federal government is pending a staggering amount of money providing free health care services to illegal immigrants who have been caught trying to illegally cross the border.

Tens of millions of dollars are required to prevent the migrants who commit crimes and attack Customs and Border Patrol agents from spreading disease into American communities.

Although the U.S. provides hundreds of millions in aid to many of their countries of origin, thousands-strong migrant caravans arrive who have not had the basic vaccinations that prevent outbreaks of deadly diseases such as polio, the mumps, and cholera. The imminent spread of deadly disease by allowing people who have not been immunized into the country is yet another reason a national emergency exists at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Homeland Security has worked tirelessly to protect everyday Americans from murderers, rapists, and human traffickers. However, the high cost of medical supplies and resources spent on these illegal immigrants has created yet another crisis. You won’t believe how this medical crisis is impacting law enforcement’s ability to protect Main Street USA. Watch this video and get the facts.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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