Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Manufacturing Returns to US

We are beginning to see manufacturing return to the US. This should continue as long as we have a competitive business environment with low corporate tax and no unnecessary regulations. Companies should still be required to clean up its own messes.

The easiest part of manufacturing to bring back to the US is high speed highly automated process manufacturing that requires technicians, operators and material handlers and little or no touch labor.  It does require $millions and even $billions in investment capital, but high throughput of product in these plants makes them commercially viable.  They normally operate 7 days per week, 24 hours per day using 4 teams of employees to cover the shifts and maintenance never stops.

The best way to increase the number of manufacturing operations in the US is to establish final assembly plants, so parts vendors follow.

Most of these manufacturing plants should return to rural cities in rural counties throughout the US.  Most will be foreign manufacturers whose products are bought by American consumers.  Most will locate near raw material used and consumers served with good connectivity to the supply chain.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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