Friday, November 22, 2019

Bad Democrat Policies

Democrat policies are designed with trip-wires that trigger sabotage to whatever their Bill purports to fix. The US Congress attacks special interest issues that have dire economic consequences. Democrat Bills are often at cross-purposes and seek to sabotage necessary business principles.

Mortgage lending was once regulated by the free market. Banks and other Lenders focused on giving loans to qualified borrowers.  Borrower’s assets were priced as collateral for loans.  Passing legislation to provide government-backed loan guarantees was the end of loans based on free market rules. Congress then passed the Civil Rights Act of 1965, naming Blacks as a “protected group” and passed War on Poverty to subsidize single mother, but this destroyed Black families and led to more Black poverty. The Community Reinvestment Act of 1993 required Banks and Mortgage Lenders to give home mortgages to “unqualified buyers” because they were Minorities. When these mortgage loans predictably defaulted, they caused the Liquidity Crisis and Financial Meltdown in 2008.  This trip-wire had a time fuse.

In the 1960s, US Counties wanted to shift the cost of providing healthcare to indigent patients. Congress passed Medicaid to offer government subsidized health insurance for citizens below the “poverty line”.  US Corporations wanted to shift the cost of providing retiree health insurance to the Federal government and Congress passed Medicare.

By the 1980s, the US had a large illegal welfare migrant population, so Congress required hospitals to treat these uninsured patients.  Hospitals shifted the cost of indigent care to paying patients. Healthcare costs increased have doubled the rate of inflation since 1980. The healthy US population stopped buying health insurance.  In 2009, Congress passed Obamacare requiring all US citizens to buy expensive health insurance with limited benefits. In 2018, Trump removed the mandate in 2018. We need to repeal Obamacare and allow the free market to function in healthcare to reduce costs to pre-Obamacare rates and benefits.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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