Thursday, November 28, 2019

US Government Screw-Ups

Allowing government to ignore the US Constitution to establish Yellowstone as a “national park” in 1872 has resulted in the government owning 30% of the US land mass to ensure that our forests would burn down annually. No Amendment was filed to expand government land ownership limits for States to ratify, because it would have failed. Western States now want their land back.

The passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 heralded the demise of the “free market economy” where consumers could control the prices using the law of supply and demand. The 1913 US dollar is not worth 3 cents.

Allowing government to take over US schools in the 1920s has resulted in these schools becoming the destructive Marxist propaganda indoctrination camps we see today.

Labor laws enacted in the 1930s gave unions free reign. Unions could “strike” for months and were the first “protected group”. They could protest, picket, riot and disrupt company operations. Unions could threaten and intimidate employees to get their support. Individual initiative was discouraged.

Unions were started by Marxists taking advantage of “victimhood” and adopted Mafia extortion tactics. Unions were a drag anchor on US productivity. The Mafia was extracted from Union leadership and unions were returned to the Communists.  Labor is a commodity and individual self-support is part of human nature.

The passage of the Social Security Act in 1935 set up a Ponzi scheme to seize 15% of income and deposit in the federal general fund to redistribute. If our “retirement savings” had been deposited in individual accounts, we could have avoided this and could pass our savings on to our families.

The Supreme Court decision on “church vs state” in 1947 resulted in the war on Christianity we see today. Atheist Activist lawsuits continue today. Destroying US morality and churches was one of the goals published by the American Communist Party in 1920.

Politics based on “protected groups” began with the Civil Rights Act and US Welfare in 1964. This decimated Black Families, encouraged entitlement and divided citizens into factions.

The Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973 has resulted in the murder of 60 million babies by Abortion. Replacing them with welfare migrants without insisting on assimilation has endangered US sovereignty.

The adoption of UN Agenda 21 in 1992 resulted in moving closer to replacing all representative governments with a tyrannical global government controlled by Criminal Marxist Oligarchs. The EU is the prototype.

The passage of the Community Reinvestment Act in 1993 and HUD anti-discrimination rules caused the 2008 Financial Meltdown that resulted in the recession that we are climbing out of today.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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