Saturday, November 2, 2019

Democrat Political Suicide

The DNC is on a suicide mission with a $144 trillion spending platform that would sink a hydrogen balloon. The US Federal Budget is running a $1 trillion deficit with $3 trillion in revenue and $4 trillion in spending. The US needs to cut $1 trillion in spending, not add $144 trillion to spending.

Government subsidies for healthcare and education have encouraged unprecedented price increases, quadrupled costs making these services unaffordable. These industries need to be returned to the private sector to allow consumers to control prices using the law of supply and demand. 10% reductions in government subsidies should be done over a 10 year period.

Student loan holders should not be bailed out using tax dollars. Students should not be admitted to college until they know what occupation they need the degree for and test scores that indicate they will be able to do the work. High school grads who don’t have a viable plan should work and do internet search to understand different occupations and take occupational tests to determine their motivated interests and discover what they are good at and would love to do.

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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