Monday, November 11, 2019

Self Defense

The US violent crime rate has been quietly cut in half over the past 26 years.

Gun ownership in the US is a deterrent to crime. Crime increases where guns are banned.

There were 14,623 gunshot deaths in 2018 in the US. 60% were suicides.
Criminals shot by victims 1774
Criminals shot in Home Invasions 2056
Criminals shot by Police 2138
Child deaths 665 due to Drug Gangs
Mass shootings 340 due to Islamic terror and crazy people
Police deaths 291

Crime is highest in large cities where Drug Gangs are operating.

In 2018, there were 68,000 deaths from drug overdoses, 47,000 deaths by suicide, 40,000 vehicle accident deaths, 17,000 deaths from falls, 878 railroad crash deaths and 556 airline crash deaths.

The US Constitution provides our legal right to self-defense and to legally own weapons. In 1787, firearms were critical to protect families and individuals from hostile Indian and wild animal attacks. Individuals had the right to protect themselves and their property from harm, theft and vandalism. In 2019, firearm are still critical to protect families and individuals from hostile drug gang, home invasions and criminal attacks.

The 2.5 million colonists owned weapons and were able to use them to defeat the British in 1781 and establish a sovereign country. The Founders established our Republic to provide for elections of our representatives in cities, counties, States and Federal and the US Constitution to make further revolutions unnecessary.

We won World War II in part to civilian military and industrial readiness. In the 1940s, many citizens were armed and ready to defend their borders. Many were hunters and target shooters. This readiness served as a deterrent to prevent invasion.

43% of US households own guns. 62% of men and 22% of women report owning guns. There are 11.5 million hunters in the US.  Gun ownership for personal protection is higher in high risk environments in cities. 

Norb Leahy, Dunwoody GA Tea Party Leader

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